Have someone write a query of the table and then go from there, if the invalid email adress is in teh @xxxxxx part that should be easy to query as well. Otherwise you can always check the email log.
How do we find invalid email addresses in TeamTrack?
We have almost 14000 TT users, and we are finding hard to find invalid email address.
Do we have any script to get all the invalid email address?
3 Answers
Thanks for the response. We written a script for it, and the script working as expected. But do we have any way to find the whole address is valid
ex : [email protected]
we written script for "gmail.com" is valid or not. Now how to find "abc" is valid email address
You are opening a can of worms :S. Google for "verify email address regular expression".
Check out the RFCs, especially the sections dealing with mailbox addresses and address specs: