How shall we take ITIL?

Jirong  Hu's picture
Jirong Hu asked on January 28, 2013 - 11:36am | Replies (2).

Hi All

Most of large organizations have a line between development area and production/operation area, due to many reasons, historical or outsource, etc. So there are a set of SCM processes for the development area, and another set  for production, e.g. change control.

Traditionally, the SCM specialists are working in the development area most of time, doing version control, change request, sort of things, util the software is realesed to production for operation.

My understanding of ITIL is more for production operational control. Therefore, as a SCM specialist, I haven't met with ITIL until today. However, when we start to talk about continuous delivery which strechs all the process all the way to production, how shall we deal with ITIL?



2 Answers

Pradeep Prabhu's picture

Hi Jirong,

ITIL is a set of frameworks that is applicable across all the stages of the software development process. It is not just limited to a particular project within a company or SDLC process - it is like a superset that starts right from the organizational strategic phase until the Operations stage. For instance, any company can adopt the ITIL framework at the begining of forming the strategic building blocks. 

As per the official ITIL site, the ITIL framework is divided into multiple intermediates and can be viewed from either a strategic perspective (called the Service Lifecycle) or implementation perspective (called the Service Capability). So, most of the SCM processes are covered in the ITIL Service Transition lifecycle module or the ITIL Release,Control and Validation (RCV) Capability module. Continuous delivery is covered under the ITIL Transition & Operations lifecycle module or the ITIL RCV & Operational Support and Analysis (OSA) Capability modules. 

Check the official website for more info:

Hope this helps!

~ Pradeep

Cell: (+91) 9535279950


Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello replied on February 24, 2013 - 12:28pm.

Hi Everyone,


ITIL is a framework from the itSMF which focuses on IT Service Management. ITIL does not provide any real guidance on software development. That said, ITIL v3 provides a considerable amount of guidance that is heavily focusd on Configuration and Release Management. The volume on transition is geared towards Release and Deployment - including Change Management. 

ITIL has become a very popular framework for helping organizations establish effective service desk and other key processes and functions related to IT operations.

From a CM perspective, ITIL has made popular the use of a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and also its supporting Configuration Management System (CMS) along with a Definitive Media Library (DML). 

I have been involved with implementing ITIL for quite some time and would love to hear some other folks describe their own experiences on implementing ITIL v3 !!!!

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief

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