Wow this sounds pretty painful to me.
It would really depend upon your branching strategy in SVN.
Did you only support development on the trunk?
How did you handle branches/tags?
Bob Aiello, Technical Editor
I am working an project to migrate from SVN to Clearcase UCM. Kindly guide me if any one have step by step process to move with or without revision files from SVN to Clearcase UCM.
Thanks in advance.
Wow this sounds pretty painful to me.
It would really depend upon your branching strategy in SVN.
Did you only support development on the trunk?
How did you handle branches/tags?
Bob Aiello, Technical Editor
I have to support build and release after migrate from SVN to Clearcase UCM. While migration we gave to trasfter all the tags to UCM streams.
Please guide me if there is an tool or document to complete this task.
Hi, Param,
Perhaps this document might help you. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21258843
Hi Param,
There is a similar question in the Q&A section: http://www.cmcrossroads.com/question/need-advice-migrating-visual-svn-cl...
This might help!
~ Pradeep