In MKS Integrity, why do I get error: No MDI GUI window up!

geutebrueck's picture
geutebrueck asked on October 7, 2011 - 12:13pm | Replies (3).

Running "si.exe viewproject" in a shell I get the error message

"No MDI GUI window up!"

This happens only with parameter viewproject - other si command are working.

The System is:

MS Windows XP 2002 SP3
MKS Integrity Client 2009, SP 006-01

Any Idea why this happens?

Best Regard, Sebastian.

3 Answers

Steffen's picture
Steffen replied on October 14, 2011 - 6:52am.

Are you using a single monitor at this computer? If there is a computer with dual monitor (or more): Try the command from there.
Perhaps the position of the window is stored on the server. Move the window to the main screen using the machine with two monitors could solve the issue.

geutebrueck's picture

Yes, You are right. I am using a single monitor. May be, that's the reason in sense of: It is not possible to use MKS-si-commands with a single monitor...

Best Regards,

geutebrueck's picture

Hi all,

I fixed it.
Modifing entry
IntegrityClient.rc did the job!

Thank You once again for Your hint!

Best Regard, Sebastian.

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