Need help with AccuRev Promote

New Name's picture
New Name asked on December 17, 2012 - 5:03pm | Replies (2).

I am trying to set up a automated promote from a non workspace stream to its parent on a daily basis. What is recommended?

1. To create an xml and use promote?

2. To directly promote everything from pending?

What difference it would make if we use xml's?

Note: We have change package trigger on. My plan is to promote all pending issues.

Thank you.

2 Answers

New Name's picture
New Name replied on December 19, 2012 - 4:00pm.

Hi James,

I tried promoting all the elements using below example

C:\Accuworkspaces\rules>accurev promote -c nightly auto promote -d -s RULES -S TEST
Validating elements.
Please enter issue number ?

This asks me for an Issue number. Is this because change package trigger is on?

Another question is what would be the easiest way to promote every issue in child steam to its parent regardless of the issue numbers(They vary everyday so I cannot create xml file everyday)



Easiet way to prmote the code without issue number is first calculate the default elements in the stream and use the promote command to promote the list.For exmaple.

 First command will be

                   >  accurev stat -s${stream-src}  -d -fl > stat.txt

       promote command

                   >  accurev promote -d -s${stream-src} -S ${stream-dest} -lstat.txt

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