We are using VMWARE client machines to run builds. On the VM clients all clearcase activities take more time compared to a standalone system. I want to know if there are any basic parameters on VM and ClearCase that can be fine tuned for better overall performance.
We are aware that clearcase on VM is slower when compared to standalone system. We are looking to better the ClearCase VM performance which is at 500% when compared to stand alone system performance.
A labelling activity takes 7 mins on standalone system which on VM machine takes 46 mins.
Your experience wrt to ClearCase on VM would be very helpful.
We use VM images for many of our off-shore users. The images are running on a VM Ware server. The VDIs do not run that much slower then a local desktop. Its important that the images are set with enough memory to run properly. Inside the image you troubleshoot it just like a physical box, check resource monitor, network monitor and see if you are running into a bottle neck. You also have to run monitoring tools on the VM server to make sure that it is not having any resource issues.
The same little tweaks you can run on a PC will work on a VDI, like defining the servers in the HOSTs file if you have long DNS look up times. The Admin Guide and a search on Google will give a few ideas.
It depends on how the VM is build.
you have to remember that clearcase is io & network intensive, so if you share io and network with other vm (and not totally dedicate the cpu & network card to the vm ) you will have slowness.
We have tested and showed that even when you totally dedicate a physical machine to a single VM you have 10% loss compare to an os installed on the physical machine. the usage of a vm is good when you have apps servers.
For better build times, move to parallel build on a physical machine.
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