• Checkout in StarTeam terms means "get", which reads the files from StarTeam then write it to disk. Other VC tools checkout means "lock".
• StarTeam compares the working file on disk to the same file stored in StarTeam, then calculates the file “status”. If the file exists in StarTeam but not in the working directory, then the status will become “missing”.
• Let’s say that you have a file in StarTeam with a “missing” status, and you managed to have a file with the same name and place it in the same working directory. Once done, the file status will recalculate to either: “unknown”, “modified”, “current”, “merge”, “out-of-date’.
• Once the status is anything other than “missing”, then “check-in” command will be enabled and you can check-in OR “force” check-in the file on disk.
So actually, you didn’t perform checkout from StarTeam and managed to perform a check-in.
Adding a file can happen by placing a new file in the working directory to get status “Not In View”, once you have this then you can perform “add” operation.
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