there is no trigger for mkview.
The first question is whether you want this hacker proof or just casual user proof.
If you want it casual user proof, you can probably doctor up something, but it will still be more effort than making a group, and it won't give you read protection, only write protection.
If you want this hacker proof, a hacker can always, always make a base CC view and look at things. Or hack even more and look into the VOB storage files.
So you will need a separate group for TEO and you will want to put their VOB(s) into a separate directory and don't give the regular group any read access.
You will have to look at the current data and figure out whether all these docs are in a separate VOB or mixed in with other stuff.
If it is mixed, you are really up a creek.
You will have to look past UCM terms into the underlying VOB structure.
At this time there is no per stream (or branch) protection. Its for the element and for all branches of it.