By CM 7.1 - I am going to assume that you mean IBM Rational CM Synergy 7.1 (please confirm)
You can use Beyond Compare by following the instructions in this technote
which says, **Set-up the Classic client to use BeyondCompare, by specifying in your %USERPROFILE%\ccm.ini file:
merge_cmd = "C:\PROGRA~1\BEYOND~1\BC2.exe" %file1 %file2 /savetarget=%outfile
Then once you select Interactive Merge from within Synergy, you merely have to save one side or the other, or "Save as" and Synergy will create the next version.**
Give this a try and let us know if this works. Oh and scooters has a nice little technote about using BeyondCompare with just about any version control tool known to man.
Unfortunately, as the IBM technote indicates the instructions in the Scooters technote do not always work.
Bob Aiello, Technical Editor
Thanks Bob, I did indeed mean IBM Rational CM Synergy 7.1. I had a bookmarked link to an instructional page on this site, but that was over a year ago and it seems to have gone.
I don't often need/use merge, but based on your detail and what's on the IBM page I can launch Beyond Compare for comparison. Our install, I believe, is less than standard and the nearest I could find is a ccm.properties file.
I just added merge_cmd = "C:\PROGRA~1\BEYOND~1\BC2.exe" %file1 %file2 (effectively) and that seems fine for now. I'll look at the merge option at a later date (or leave it to the configuration team).
Thanks Again.
Sorry, that should read compare_cmd = "C:\PROGRA~1\BEYOND~1\BC2.exe" %file1 %file2