Where have all the forums gone on this site?

David Honey's picture
David Honey asked on January 9, 2013 - 9:57am | Replies (8).

Where have all the forums gone on this site?

8 Answers

Heather Buckman's picture

Hi David,

In the new CM Crossroads site we’ve broken out the forum posts into individual questions. If you have a new question, you can ask directly on the site (http://www.cmcrossroads.com/q-and-a). If it is an old post you are looking for try using the Q&A Search (ex : http://www.cmcrossroads.com/q-and-a/search?body_value=alm) Many of the old forums threads are still there, listed as individual questions. 

Why the change? Q&A can be more user-friendly, and since the best answers are highlighted, there is no paging or searching to get the best answer. Also it’s easier for future users to reuse the questions and information given.

Hope that helps!


David Honey's picture

I hope you're not suggesting that users have to know how to form URLs that query for what they want and type them in by hand into their web browser.

Seriously, users need to be able to browse/search by tool/tags so that they can create a view related to their tool(s) or tags of interest. Plus users should be able to create replies to other user's reply to form a proper threaded discussion. A simple question-answer format is too limiting. We had all of this before on the old forums that users had been enjoying for 10+ years.

Sue Retzer's picture
Sue Retzer replied on January 10, 2013 - 4:55pm.

I agree - getting rid of the forum is not user friendly for those of us using this site for years. I was always able to find information I needed in the forums as they were searchable as well. It's bad enough I've lost all my history as my profile was basically empty when I was able to get back in. Bad choices have been made and we the users have to suffer....

Drew Benson's picture

I agree with you guys - See my "What have you done?" question.

Well obviosuly you won't see it as it is just sitting in a "Q&A" queue rather than under a meaningful category such as "Letters to the Editors" where you might be able to work out what it might relate to!

I think the Q&A format is awful and probably a (weak) attempt to appear twatter-ish or something!!

Forums work best when you categorise stuff into relevant areas so that you can easily find topics of interest rather than trawl through gumph of no interest.

Although as an aside the site has taken such a nose dive in terms of usage over the past few years that there isn't that much gumph to wade through :-( but IMHO this format will sign its death warrant not re-invigorate it!







Randy Kittredge's picture

Sorry - this is a lot less friendly. I can't locate anything anymore. I am really dissapointed in your choices here.

Patrick Egan's picture

David, et al

Althoguh I no longer play a role at CM Crossroads I like the look of the site. It is a great new start.  I do however feel that it is unfortunate to see what was the soul of this site be reduced to a Q&A section.

I think that a Forum structure is the way to go for any tech community as I do not fell that Q&A promotes engagement not does it provides a sense of ownership or community. All of the major tech communities still in operation rely on the forum structure to keep the blood pumping. Spice works is a great example for IT at http://community.spiceworks.com/.  I dont know how I would keep my MacBook running with out Mac Forums. 

Anyway, I would imagine that with support of the CM Crossroads community members and with plenty of feedback or suggestions, forums might return bigger and better than before. 

Patrick Egan


Patrick Egan's picture

David, et al

Althoguh I no longer play a role at CM Crossroads I like the look of the site. It is a great new start.  I do however feel that it is unfortunate to see what was the soul of this site be reduced to a Q&A section.

I think that a Forum structure is the way to go for any tech community as I do not fell that Q&A promotes engagement not does it provides a sense of ownership or community. All of the major tech communities still in operation rely on the forum structure to keep the blood pumping. Spice works is a great example for IT.  I dont know how I would keep my MacBook running with out Mac Forums. 

Anyway, I would imagine that with support of the CM Crossroads community members and with plenty of feedback or suggestions, forums might return bigger and better than before. 

Patrick Egan


Jody Snow's picture
Jody Snow replied on January 29, 2013 - 1:44pm.

Looks like my account got removed.

With the forum now gone I will be removing my bookmark to this site.

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