Why is Teamtrack often down?

anilkumar_k's picture
anilkumar_k asked on June 7, 2012 - 9:08am | Replies (1).

We are using TeamTrack as our defect tracking tool. And we are Admin's for TeamTrack. But recently TeamTrack is often coming down or locked somehow.

Can you please let us know where to check the logs ? We actually want to know what may be the reason for down/lock/hang.

Whenever it goes down, we bounce the IIS server. But recently it is hanging up several times in a day. Can you please suggest wherr to check and what may be the reason for hanging?

Thnx in advance.


1 Answer

ProcessMan's picture

Have you migraged to SBM?
Logs should be where Teamtrack is installed. Do a search of all files sorted by date and time, they should be at the top of your list.

If you have support with serena you may want to open up a case.

I used to have locking issues but moving to SBM resolved most of them.

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