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Setting a Makefile Variable From Outside the Makefile

In this article, Ask Mr. Make talks about how to set Makefile variable from outside the Makefile.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Dumping Every Makefile Variable

What if you want to print out every variable defined in a Makefile? In this tip I'm going to show you how and introduce GNU Make's powerful functions.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Who's in Control of Process and Tools in your Organisation / Project?

There is an age old debate about who's responsible for quality in software. Some people have quality teams, others dedicate quality to testing.


Charles Edwards
Version Control Is a Collaboration Tool

Why do version control? I remember the first time I learned about version control. It was for a SunOS based project, and my manager told me to learn SCCS, and put all of our sources in it. Its been years since I've used SCCS, and I am not always sure if it had features I also remember in RCS and PVCS. They are all similar tools. Since those younger years, I've learned that version control is much more than a glorified file repository, and has more to do with people working toghether, collaborating on their project code base.

David Baird
Persuading Management to Invest in a Formal Team Development Process

A vendor left me a phone message. He began by thanking me for visiting his booth at a conference at which I was a speaker. He told me that his product was just what I needed and would solve some of my biggest problems. He also assured me that I would benefit in many ways. Finally, he then asked if I would call him back so we could continue the conversation

Charles Edwards
Printing the Value of a Makefile Variable

There aren't any debuggers for Make, and Make doesn't provide the sort of interactivity you'd see from a scripting language like Perl or Python. So what is an easy way to figure out the value of a variable? This simple Makefile does all the work for you.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Perverting Communication

When the United States landed a man on the moon, my wife and I use to engage our friends in fun debates on whether Neil Armstrong really stepped onto the surface of the moon or did he descend onto a huge sound stage just north of Phoenix, AZ. As farfetched as that argument is, in many cases, upper management in many software development organizations are being led to believe that their Eagle has landed at Tranquillity Base when it fact their project is “Lost in Space.” Much of that information is coming from the Configuration Management System (CMS).

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Importance of Software Builds: Building Earnestly

Building your application is key to a successful, repeatable, development process. A reproducible build that works at all levels allows you to proceed with confidence and be more agile. Yet many organizations (agile and not) leave the build process to chance, even though all can benefit, regardless of their method.

Integrated Tools Enhance Distributed Development

When I look at the prospect of a distributed development effort, it scares me. So much depends on having the right people and good communicators, all in the right places. It also depends on the successful merging of cultures, but more and more distributed development is taking place.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Approaching Code Access for Distributed Development

There was a time when mainframe development was the norm and teams were in close physical contact only having to walk down a few feet to interact with their colleagues. However, times have changed and access to code has to be considered in a much more serious manner. Some companies have had multiple sites participate in their development efforts for upwards of two decades, but a majority of them have only been at this for the last 5 years or just undertaking this venture. The crux of distributed development is the ability to share code for development across sites via the network or via tape or disk.


Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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