Tools and Services: Release & Deployment Automation

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Release & Deployment Automation

Tools available on Release & Deployment Automation

Aldon Agile Manager is a free, role-based, agile project management application that gives agile development teams an efficient and effective way to plan, prioritize, and collaborate on projects.

Whether you are using Scrum, Kanban or hybrid agile methodologies, Aldon Agile Manager can help you easily manage and prioritize stories in a backlog, plan releases and sprints, and keep track of the numerous development tasks associated with a particular project.

With Verifaya you can boost your automated test coverage and benefit from having your entire test suites being automated within weeks. The test automation process begins with uploading your test requirements. We then automate your test cases, making them available for repeatable execution anytime on multiple test environments

CollabNet introduces Subversion Edge, an industry-first distribution that combines Subversion, Apache, and ViewVC with a powerful, Web-based management interface. Subversion Edge simplifies user and server administration and improves governance. Brought to you by the founders of the open source Subversion project, Subversion Edge is also free and open source.

ElectricFlow from Electric Cloud is a suite of products which enable Continuous Delivery by automating build, test and deployment processes, used by businesses like SpaceX, Cisco, GE and E*TRADE. ElectricFlow makes deployments predictable throughout the software delivery cycle, from developer pre-flight builds to complex UAT and production deployments.

Electric Flow provides a graphic editor that enables graphic modeling of even the most complex workflow definitions, and is then able to automate those workflows. Flexible properties and dynamic job step creation, including nested procedures, allows parameterized workflow factories to set up hundreds of workflows with ease, allowing teams to create re-usable best practice workflows.

Engine Lab Software is an outsourcing software development company based in Ireland and serving companies from Ireland, UK and America.

Many companies have adopted agile development methodologies that enable the frequent delivery of enhancements or maintenance releases. Unfortunately, reliability requirements of business critical applications introduces delays in deploying these enhancements on live environments that cancel many of the benefits of this nimble development process. Kwatee's objective is to support agile deployment processes that keep up with the development pace without compromising service continuity and to eliminate the operational risk inherent to mission-critical software update procedures.

OpenMake Release Engineer

OpenMake Deploy+ enhances software deployments giving you a hands-free delivery solution that will dynamically do the work for you. It eliminates the need for your highly customized deploy scripts by replacing them with standard and repeatable deployment procedures that can model any environment. It centralizes the management of server configurations for deployments, supports database updates, and consolidates deployment logs. It easily deploys to N-tier applications in a single deployment.

SpiraPlan provides a complete Agile Project Management System in one package, that can manages your project's requirements, releases, iterations, tasks and issues in one environment, fully synchronized

Everything we’ve learned about changing software testing for the better is expressed through Tricentis Tosca Testsuite. Our seamless solution gives test teams unprecedented power to measure, manage, and control risk coverage. From the ability to generate test cases based on atomic knowledge of risk, to the simplicity of model-based test automation that enables test execution in plain English, to real-time analytics for proactive optimization, our approach delivers entirely new levels of ease and accuracy while minimizing time, effort, and cost. Tosca Testsuite integrates with SAP, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), and other testing solutions, and interfaces with the full range of applications demanded by today’s enterprise environments.

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