ALM & SCM Tools


Prasad Mk discusses software testing tools Choosing the Right Tools for Your Testing Needs: An Interview with Tata Consultancy Services

In this interview, Prasad Mk of TCS discusses the changing nature of the testing tools landscape, what an organization needs to do in order to be successful in this new world, and whether your company should buy or build the tool you need.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Bryan Linder discusses release automation STAREAST 2015 Interview with Bryan Linder on Continuous Delivery

In this interview, Bryan Linder defines the methodology, processes, and tools associated with release automation, outlines the benefits of more frequent, smaller releases, and talks about his overall experience at STAREAST.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Chris Beauchamp discusses wearables and IoT devices Using Apps to Help Users Experience Wearables and IoT Devices: An Interview with Chris Beauchamp

In this interview, Chris Beauchamp of Crittercism talks about his upcoming presentation at the Mobile Dev + Test conference, the importance of real-time transmitting for wearable devices, the almighty blend of functional and attractive design, and how to monetize your app correctly.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Dave Cotter discusses mobile software development Head Tracking, 3D, and the Birth of Firefly: An Interview with Dave Cotter

In this interview, SquareHub cofounder and CEO Dave Cotter talks about his rich experience in the tech industry, the uses of 3D and head tracking in modern mobile software, and the implications that Amazon’s Firefly might have on microtransactions.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Mike Baukes talks about implementing DevOps in a large organization Implementing DevOps in Large, Complex Organizations: An Interview with Mike Baukes

Mike Baukes talks about his definition of DevOps and why it's hard for organizations to get it right, common failues organizations experience when implementing DevOps, and the importance of visibility across the organization, and he even covers some of the great tools available today.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Hans Buwalda talks Keyword-Driven Test Automation Keyword-Driven Test Automation: An Interview with Hans Buwalda

Hans Buwalda's experience covers being a developer, manager, and principal consultant for companies and organizations worldwide. In this interview, Hans talks about using keywords effectively, tests that have too many details, and the changing testing industry.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Scott Barber writes about performance testing Useful Metrics and the Problem with Performance Testing Programs: An Interview with Scott Barber

Scott Barber is the chief performance evangelist for SmartBear and an author of several books, including Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications. In this interview, Scott chats about useful test metrics, communication, and the problem with performance testing programs.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Greg Avola CTO, developer, and cofounder of Untappd On Beer, Mobile Development, and Crowdsourced Testing: An Interview with Greg Avola

Greg Avola is the CTO, developer, and cofounder of Untappd, the popular social beer network. In this interview, Greg discusses fast-paced mobile development, crowdsourced testing, and new testing tools that can help you navigate many different mobile platforms.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Software configuration management and agile software development expert Steve Berczuk Present Day and Future CM Tool Features: An Interview with Steve Berczuk

We're sitting down with CM experts to discuss not just their backgrounds in the field, but what their favorite tools are and why. This week, Steve Berczuk provides a great deal of information on what tools he prefers to use today, and what he would love to see from them in the future.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Joe Farah The Past, Present, and Future of CM Tools: An Interview with Joe Farah

We're sitting down with CM experts to discuss not just their backgrounds in the field, but what their favorite tools are and why. This week, Joe Farah at Neuma Technology provides a great deal of information on what tools are leading the way today, and what we can expect from them in the future.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst


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