
Conference Presentations

Automated Testing for Web-Based Applications

As Web applications have proliferated, they also have grown in complexity. Automated testing for Web-based applications is in high demand due to limited resources and shorter time-to-market. Learn how automated testing tools have expanded their functionality and capability to support Web-based applications. Discover new ideas and techniques to apply to your Web-based applications testing.

Yang Lu, Kent Ridge Digital Labs
Manage Testing by the Numbers

Telcordia's Software Quality Assurance Testing Organization Business Model was developed to assist its SQA Testing Management Team in becoming more effective and productive in managing SQA testing. Learn how the implementation of this model can help raise the overall technical expertise of your test management team.

Sharon Burrell, Telcordia Technologies
Internet Product Delivery: Creating Quality at the Speed of the Web

Based on an operations perspective, Richard Martin shares his experiences with an e-commerce company in the areas of project planning, quality assurance, release management, and project delivery. Learn how the e-commerce market differs from other enterprise applications and which "best practices" make the most sense. Explore the most effective ways to manage change at Web speed.

Richard Martin, Calico Commerce
Adaptive Software Development

Adaptive Software Development (ASD) is targeted for software teams where competition creates extreme pressure on the delivery process. Many process improvement techniques (CMM, ISO) are focused on optimizing practices that involve steadily increasing rigor. In contrast, ASD emphasizes producing high-value results based on rapid adaptation to both external and internal events. Listen as Jim Highsmith explains how the focal point of ASD is fundamentally different from traditional software process improvement approaches. Learn why "a little bit less than just enough" is ASD's guideline for implementing rigor.

Jim Highsmith, Information Architects, Inc.
A Practical Approach to Early-Cycle QA Test Automation

Everyone knows that a large body of automated unit tests for classes, subsystems, and frameworks adds to overall code quality. However, the "burden" of unit test automation is frequently placed squarely on the shoulders of developers because of the perception that only a developer can write a unit test. Since QA personnel typically test from the user interface-and usually have to wait until later in the development cycle for the availability of that interface-they're often left to scramble at the end of the cycle to get their testing done. Michael Silverstein reveals a model for early-cycle collaboration between developers and testers where testers augment the developers' unit testing activities without adding additional process overhead.

Michael Silverstein, SilverMark, Inc.
Team-Based Development: Truth from the Trenches

As software professionals, we deliver products that are the totality of the services, documentation, software, and hardware required to produce a solution for customers. But how often do we find ourselves ready to deliver a software product, yet we still don't have the services to support it? And how often does a product reach the testing phase even though it's lacking some critical requirements? Team-based management is a solution to these common-but major-problems. Bobbi Antonucci describes the machinations of team-based software development and the issues it resolves.

Bobbi Antonucci, Blackboard Inc.
Requirements Are Requirements Are Requirements - Not!

"This isn't what I need," states Customer Bob. "But it's what you said you wanted," replies Engineer Joe. "It's not right. I need something else." We've all encountered this classic users-don't-know-what-they-want scenario. The fact that software professionals continue to have this same experience over and over again suggests that we're overlooking the real reasons for the user/engineer disconnect. This presentation contrasts the different uses of the term "requirements" as it explores the possible solutions to improving understanding between business people and technical people.

Robin Goldsmith, GoPro Management, Inc.
Get Real! Creating Realistic, Actionable Project Schedules

The preparation of a realistic, practical project schedule is an essential management function for obtaining stakeholder commitment, setting expectations, and communicating within the team and organization what is achievable. Doing this preparation well is another challenge-one that must be conquered. Rex Black helps participants see the bigger project scheduling picture by focusing on issues such as constituent tasks, the underlying dependencies between them, and the risks attached to the completion of those tasks.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
Did Your Tests Pass or Fail? Answering with Automation

Automated tests using self-verifying data (SVD) can help determine if your query-type tests have the right information or if they are showing you the expected views. In this presentation, Noel Nyman provides a brief overview of an SVD testing method followed by a demonstration of automation techniques that allow you to run random tests on SVDs with millions of records or entries. Using applications such as Microsoft Office, learn how to adapt the techniques taught in this presentation to many different types of applications using most of the common automation tools.

Noel Nyman, Microsoft
Applying Development Best Practices to Automated Testing

Test automation is a specialized form of software development where executable code is produced for the validation and testing process. Many best practices have been identified to allow developers to code more quickly, efficiently, and correctly, but few test automators have adopted these practices. Learn about several of these "best practices"-including code reviews and coding standards-that can be applied to automated test development. Discover how you, as an automated test developer, can capitalize on the benefits provided by these practices.

Andy Tinkham, Spherion Technology Architects


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