
Conference Presentations

STARWEST Testing Traditional Testing: The Silent Killer of DevOps

Many organizations today are adopting DevOps to accelerate software delivery. However, once they have invested significant time and money optimizing most parts of the software delivery process, testing often holds them back from achieving the desired results. Why? Because software...

Wayne Ariola
STARWEST Testing Testing and DevOps: Organizations and Their Culture Must Change

The DevOps movement is here. Now, companies with mature systems are breaking down siloed IT departments and federating them into product development teams and departments. Testing and its practices are at the heart of these changes. Traditionally, development organizations have been...

Adam Auerbach
Agile DevOps Implement DevOps Like a Unicorn—Even If You’re Not One

Etsy, Netflix, and the unicorns have done great things with DevOps. Although most people don't work at a unicorn, they still want to combine agility and stability. To close the gap between developers and operations, Mason Leung says his company runs operation workshops, blogs about...

Mason Leung
Agile DevOps Integrate Security into DevOps

Software security often evokes negative feelings among software developers because it is associated with additional programming effort, uncertainty, and road-blocking activity on a fast release cycle. Secure software developers must follow a number of guidelines that, while intended to...

Hasan Yasar
Agile DevOps Continuous Testing in DevOps

Achieving continuous testing is a daunting task for many test teams still struggling with combining agile, test automation, and increased speed. We know that change is rarely easy. Fixing or getting rid of some practices is tough. However, one-step-at-a-time change can take you far and fast.

Michael Hackett
Agile DevOps DevOps: The Key to Quality-Driven Development

Rapidly evolving business demands and competitive environments pose challenges to increase the speed of delivery and do better with less. This often results in sacrificing quality and failing to understand that a minimum viable product must be “viable” to the customer. When organizations...

Gajan Pathmanathan
Agile Dev Stamp Out Agile and DevOps Bottlenecks

The most critical step in the agile transformation and DevOps adoption process is identifying the bottlenecks in the product delivery cycle. So, how do you go about finding and eliminating those dreaded bottlenecks? Tanya Kravtsov shares her experiences along with tools and methods that...

Tanya Kravtsov
Agile DevOps Metrics to Assess Risk in DevOps

As software development becomes more value-focused, the need for a fluid production process emerges. That process is DevOps. However, when the number of release cycles rises, so does the risk of disruptive code entering the system and eroding the value that development creates. 

Bill Dickenson
Agile Dev Modern Evolutionary Software Architectures

For many years, software architecture was described as the “parts that are hard to change later.” Modern advances in architecture have shown that if architects build evolvability into the architecture, change becomes easier. Neal Ford describes a family of software architectures that...

Neal Ford
Agile DevOps DevOps and Regulatory Compliance—Like Oil and Water or Peanut Butter and Jelly?

DevOps and regulatory compliance are two critically important ingredients in today’s connected organizations. DevOps enables you to move quickly and respond to change in an era where change is increasing at an exponential rate with no sign of slowing down. Regulatory compliance ensures...

Brandon Carlson


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