Installer Software Risk Catalog and Checklist (template)

Member Submitted

This template lists potential risks that are common with software that automates the installation of software applications. 

This template lists potential risks that are common with software that automates the installation of software applications:

       Installer lacks modern, expected features
              no uninstall
              no custom install
              no partial install ("add")
              no upgrade install
       Wrong files installed
              temporary files not cleaned up
              old files not cleaned up after upgrade
              unneeded file installed
              needed file not installed
              correct file installed in the wrong place
       Wrong INI settings/registry settings
       Wrong autoexec/config settings
       Files clobbered
              older file replaces newer file
              user data file clobbered during upgrade

       Intermittent failure
       Fault tolerance/recoverability
              Can’t back up
              Can’t abort
              No clean up after abort
              Mishandled read error
              Mishandled disk full error

       Installer does not function on certain platforms
       Other apps clobbered
       HW not properly configured
       HW clobbered for other apps
       HW not set for installed app
       Screen saver disrupts install
       No detection of incompatible apps
              apps currently executing
              apps currently installed

       Excessive temporary storage required by install process

       Installer silently replaces or modifies critical files or parameters
       Install process is too slow
       Install process requires constant user monitoring
       Install process is confusing
       UI is unorthodox
       UI is easily misused
       Messages and instructions are confusing
       Mistakes during install process readily cause loss of effort

Originally published to acompany a magazine article by Chris Agruss

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