High Speed Testing Cycles

An Approach to Accelerated Delivery of Bug-Free Software

Testing has never been easy, but when it comes to large institutions, things can get terribly complex. Take large banks for example. For years they developed their own solutions, building applications and bringing in all kinds of hardware and software available, in order to provide their customers with better products and services. Most of the times buying decisions were taken on the go, following no architectural model or plan, which, unfortunately, led them to rely on modern Frankensteins (a.k.a. automated beasts ) to take care of their most valued asset: their customers.

Testing has never been easy, but when it comes to large institutions, things can get terribly complex. Take large banks for example. For years they developed their own solutions, building applications and bringing in all kinds of hardware and software available, in order to provide their customers with better products and services. Most of the times buying decisions were taken on the go, following no architectural model or plan, which, unfortunately, led them to rely on modern Frankensteins (a.k.a. automated beasts ) to take care of their most valued asset: their customers.

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