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I'm have promarily used Subversion in the past, and the structure we used was:

/branches    - Self evident name for branch management

   /int          - Integration branches

      /projectA_effort_q4_2014 - Integration branch for release on q4 of 2014

   /usr         - Individual engineers branches

      /fred    - Fred's set of branches

         /some_bug - Fred's branched from somewhere to fix some bug

      /sally    - Sally's set of branches

         /some_feature - Sally's branched from somewhere to add some feature

Can serena dimensions cm agent ver 10.1.1 connect to dimensions cm server ver 10.1.3? lower version of agent and higher version of server.

I'd be interested in feedback from others on this subject, and particularly comparing and contrasting the use of distributed tools such as git and mercurial (and others) vs their more centralised brethren, be they open source (subversion) or commercial.

The requirements for developing something like Linux are certainly different to those for many commercial organisations IMO.


Please provide the procedure to extract the list of worksets under the products from the oracle database (Serena Dimensions).

How have others solved the resourcing justification for Build / Release engineers? Based on number of supported developers? number of tools? number of deployments? are there base line ratios or other industry standards based on specific products or supported platforms?

I mean models or domain specific languages to represent complex scm process (version control, identification, build management etc.). Maybe exist some approach allows to represent bridge from abstract process to choise of real tools and implementation.

For exapmle, in software development MDA approach exist, where are 3 kinds of models with different level of abstraction. Are some analogs exists for software configuration management?


after upgrading one database from synergy 6.5 to 7.1 checking on the MDL_INFO file for the recent upgraded datbases i.e "x" and another one with version 7.1 i.e "y" I found a differance which is "IBM Rational Synergy Fix Pack" found only on Y file database and not found on X databases (which is reacnetly upgraded)

is there any clarification for this please





I am working an project to migrate from SVN to Clearcase UCM. Kindly guide me if any one have step by step process to move with or without revision files from SVN to Clearcase UCM.


Thanks in advance.

I have no clue on bitbucket but read it supports Git. Trying to understand how do we choose which VCS should a company use if code is not public & team size is 100+developers.

Bitbucket or Git on linux based system?Dont wish to explore the paid version to start with.

Any thoughts please share.

I need to conduct the survey that provides, at a high-level, what current CM practices 5-7 customers in the satellite industry use for hardware, software, and information (e.g., documentation and
drawings). I've identified the CM practices as: management & planning, configuration identification, configuration
change control, configuration status accounting, and verification &


We currently have code in VisualSVN and now we are planning to use ClearCase 7.1 as source repository.

I have the requirement to move all the versions in VisualSVN to ClearCase. We do not want to loose any old versions in visualSVN.

Can this be acheived? Please let me know if this is possible, if so let me know the tools or the procedure for migration.

Any help will be highly appreciated.


Should the FCA be started after system testing or user acceptance testing?  Currently on my project, I start the FCA after system testing and begin the PCA after user acceptance testing.


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