Agile + DevOps East 2019


Changing Tires on a Moving Car: A Journey to Zero-Downtime Deployments

Applications built over the years carry historical design assumptions, such as that a few hours of downtime for maintenance upgrades every six months is acceptable. Today, embracing continuous delivery practices means more frequent releases, which means more downtime.

Pierre Vincent

Continuous Delivery Dojo: From Doing Agile to Being Agile

State Farm adopted an innovative approach to a common problem many organizations face with agile transformation: How do you influence, nurture, and support a whole scale culture of agility? How do you move from doing agile to being agile? 

Lisa Maurer

Contract Testing with Pact: A Different Approach

With the microservice architecture evolving and becoming a golden standard, the necessity of testing the contracts between services appears to be more and more obvious. 

Mihail Mikulaninec

Deception and Estimation: How We Fool Ourselves

Cognitive scientists tell us that we are hardwired for deception, which makes accurate estimation almost impossible. We must simply accept that our estimates are best guesses and continually re-evaluate as we go, which is the agile approach to managing change.

Linda Rising

Deception and Estimation: How We Fool Ourselves

Offering examples from ordinary life, Linda Rising will demonstrate how hard it is for us to see our poor estimating skills, and then she’ll turn it around and give practical advice on living and working with the self-deception that is hardwired in all of us.

Linda Rising

DevOps for the Agile Practitioner

As an agile coach, ScrumMaster, or product owner, you interact with technical teams every day, even though you may not have a technical background yourself. 

Lee Eason

DevOps Tools for Database Developers

You're thinking about modernizing your database development process ... someday. You have directories full of SQL files you use to build your application. You know unit tests should be included as part of your build process, and you are going to start adding them ... maybe next week. Does this sound like you? If you think modernizing your dev process will be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive, you may be surprised at how easy and cost-effective it is to get started.

Blaine Carter

DevOps without Measurement Is a Fail

The primary goal of DevOps is to provide velocity and quality through improved collaboration. However, without a tailored measurement framework to direct efforts to the problems that matter to the customer and the business, these goals are meaningless.

Tori Wieldt

Effective Test Automation in DevOps

The ultimate objective of a DevOps approach is to deliver quality products to your customers as efficiently as possible. DevOps shops that achieved this state point to continuous testing as a key contributor to their success.

Lee Barnes

Engaging Leadership: The Missing Piece for Enhancing Agile Adaptation

As W. Edwards Deming wrote, "It is not enough that top management commit themselves for life to quality and productivity. They must know what it is that they are committed to—that is, what they must do. These obligations cannot be delegated."

Reha Malik Gill


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