Agile + DevOps East 2019


The Nitty-Gritty Practices of Agile Coaching for DevOps

How do you coach a team from showing progress every two weeks to delivering multiple times a day? Challenging the status quo, running experiments, and forming learning communities may be part of the answer. 

Allison Pollard

The Psychology of Chaos Engineering

Chaos engineering, failure injection, and similar practices have verified benefits to the resilience of systems and infrastructure. But can they provide similar resilience to teams and people? What are the effects and impacts on the humans involved in the systems?

Matty Stratton

The Transformation Mindset: A Leader's Guide to Embracing Agile

Many leaders want to transform their organization to become more agile, adaptive, and responsive to the market. However, most do not deeply understand how to lead their organization through such a massive change.

Steven Granese

Transforming a Team of Agile Skeptics into Agilists

Teams can hesitate to adopt agile practices, even when there’s a clear desire for transformation at the executive level. But there are strategies for coaching agile-skeptical teams into an agile mindset. 

Scott Weiner

Using Lean XP to Supercharge Your Agile Delivery

Most teams that do agile development start with Scrum. And why not? Scrum is a proven method for focusing your team, ensuring that work adds value, and minimizing the risk with release. Then, after awhile, Scrum becomes stagnant. 

Jim Collins

Wabi-Sabi Your DevSecOps

The ability of DevSecOps to produce secure code requires the merging of two very different cultures: AppSec and DevOps.

Brittany Greenfield

Wage Your Bets: Microservice, Monolith, or Serverless

Microservice, Monolith, and Serverless are some of the three architectural styles that have recently gained popularity.

Michelle Hodges

We Inflicted DevOps on Our Business—Now What?

It seems that everyone is aflutter with DevOps, the shiny new panacea for all of our software ailments. What technical goodness can DevOps bestow upon us? What riddles does it unlock for us as technologists?

Allison Pollard

What “Good” Looks Like: The 4 Quadrants of Product Ownership

The product owner role was introduced in Scrum in 1993, so the role has been around for more than twenty-five years. Yet we still struggle with the nature of it. Is it simple or complex? Is it inward- or outward-facing? It is about backlogs and stories, or something more?

Bob Galen

You Build It, You Own It!

The days of writing software and throwing it over the proverbial wall to operations and production support teams are over. It’s time we, as software development teams, become more accountable and take pride and ownership in what we do.

Sean Miller


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