Our VOB is of size size 52GB, 10years old, mounted on Solaris OS and using by 400 Users. From the past One Year, we observed that VOB elements are keep on corrupting with "^D" or "text_file_delta" error. We are unable to do diff with predecessor version, not able to make Builds because of corrupted files. Even we are unable to count Source Lines of Code also. I forgot to mention that, we are using ClearCase ver.6.0.
Last 8 months back, we raised a PMR, IBM resolved some file elements using "checkvob" and by remotely accessing they used some IBM scripts to solve the issue. Finally, by the end of March. We and IBM Technical Support Engineers resolved all corrupted file elements issue. Recently, we observed that 2 (two) of the files got corrupted again and VOB is not in Sync with two of our replicas. Problem started again.
Please let me know, why VOB file elements corrupts often? Is it because of, if any user uses some third party tools for his Coding/Development in VOB? We CMs follow strict polocies, some of the file elements are not even loading into VOB (Snapshot views), saying "size got exceeded". This became a big mess for us. Now, Developers are making Builds by hijacking the files. We know that, this is not a Good Practise. Please someone of you can help us in this regard. PFA, VOB Errors. Thanks in advance!
Best Regards/Sebastian