I would like to get involved.
Hi everyone,
my esteemed colleague Marc Bools and I have started working on bringing back the CM Wiki and we want you to help us with the design and requirements of a new CM Wiki!!!
Here is a hight level list of the topics from the old wiki. This is your chance to help!!
Topics you will find in the CM web
Concepts and theories:
Processes and practices:
Templates and Examples:
Starting points
What other topics should we include?? How do we provide more value from our new and improved CM Wiki.
Drop me a line and get involved!
Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
[email protected]
vielleicht auf deutsch?
(ok so we gotta do English first but I love to practice my German :-)
Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
[email protected]
As I said in on facebook - nice idea, but unfortunately the terms of use claim at various places that "all content 'belongs' to Techwell/CM Crossroads", who "'grant' the right of use" – so I won't be able to add any content.
But probably that is only boilerplate text and you are going to change the terms of use, so that contributers retain their right on their material and Techwell/CMCrossroads is granted the right of use? (As it should be IMO)
Mike - lots of us are published authors with proprietary material. The main point is that we want original content on CM Crossroads. I would be be glad to verify the exact terms with you (and anyone else) directly.
Please send me an email - [email protected] and I will check with the SQE Editor in Chief for you.
We always work these issues out so please don't be concerned.
Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
Hello Bob,
I'd be interested in helping out. Are you looking for additional ideas for topics or perhaps looking for moderators?
As for topics it sounds like you have most of the bases covered, perhaps drilling down further into each one and establishing a thread for specific tools (for example) would help bring this closer to what had existed in the forums previously....that appears to be missed by much of the community.
I'd suggest adding a "DevOps vs. CM" topic, or something of the sort to help address how CM is vital role to the broader scope of DevOps.
Right now we are interested in finding volunteers to help us determine the structure and outline.
Wikis can sometimes become very disorganized so the first step is to determine a structure.
I posted the original structure in the first part of this thread.
DevOps is a must. What other topics should we be covering in a CM Wiki?
Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
[Brad Appleton] If the CMWiki is coming back I would like to resume my role as a co-contributor and caretaker.
I would also ask that the old vanity subdomain of cmcrossroads.com that redirected to the old CMWiki be reinstated to redirect to the new one (I think it was cmwiki.cmcrossroads.com)
I suppose it would be too much to ask that the other old CMWiki pages have their old URLS be able to redirect to the new location ... but at the very least please reinstate cmwiki.cmcrossroads.com (I know of a lot of other places that reference it -- including some books published in the last 5 years)
-- Brad Appleton
Hey Brad - these are great ideas!
Glad to have you on the CM Wiki Team!!
Once again anyone interested in helping with this effort should contact me directly!
Bob Aiello
Technical Editor
[email protected]