version control Questions

We have Harvest r7.1.

How to resize checkout/checkin default dialog size in Harvest 7.1




Im trying to use <scm> maven tag to obtain the code from an accurev branch;


Following Maven's instruction ( if I follow this pattern 




my SCM tag in POM looks like this:





            <!-- <url></url> -->





However the build doesnt seems to understand the pattern and console log says the following:


[INFO] [release:prepare {execution: default-cli}]

[INFO] Resuming release from phase 'scm-check-modifications'

[INFO] Verifying that there are no local modifications...

[DEBUG] Repository created: host:null, port:5050, depot:longscm01d, streamName:5050/GTAApplications/schema, workspaceName:null, checkoutMethod:pop, params:{}

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.BooleanConverter).

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

[JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Testing_gta_jcbs_schema/workspace/pom.xml to /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Testing_gta_jcbs_schema/modules/$gta-jcbs-schema/builds/2013-05-15_09-25-14/archive/

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] An error occurred during the status check process: No such command 'status'.



Can anyone please help


many thanks

During file checkout from Clearcase i want the CQ to list the CQ ID specific to the  user .

For this i am tring to modify config.plbut it is listing all the bugs but not the one specific to the suer .

i used the below configuration .

$s = &DefineCQSchema(NAME=>"MainSchema",

                         ENTITY_LIST => "EnhancementRequest",

                         RESTRICTIONS => "STANDARD");


      $s->ChangeFieldMap(OWNER => "Owner",STATE => "State",

                       ID => "id",  #Note: ID shouldn't need to change

                       HEADLINE => "Headline",

                       PRIORITY => "Priority", 

     #########         SEVERITY => "Severity",

                       RATL_MASTERSHIP => "ratl_mastership",


                       # Other mappable names

                       QUERY_STATES => "Submitted,Assigned,Opened",

                       MODIFY => "modify"




                 "<STATE> in <QUERY_STATES>",

                 "<OWNER> eq <*USER*>");



                     "%s %-9.9s %1.1s %1.1s %-45.45s");

 Please let me know where i am going wrong

During file checkout from Clearcase i want the CQ to list the CQ ID specific to the  user .

For this i am tring to modify config.plbut it is listing all the bugs but not the one specific to the suer .

i used the below configuration .

$s = &DefineCQSchema(NAME=>"MainSchema",

                         ENTITY_LIST => "EnhancementRequest",

                         RESTRICTIONS => "STANDARD");


      $s->ChangeFieldMap(OWNER => "Owner",STATE => "State",

                       ID => "id",  #Note: ID shouldn't need to change

                       HEADLINE => "Headline",

                       PRIORITY => "Priority", 

     #########         SEVERITY => "Severity",

                       RATL_MASTERSHIP => "ratl_mastership",


                       # Other mappable names

                       QUERY_STATES => "Submitted,Assigned,Opened",

                       MODIFY => "modify"




                 "<STATE> in <QUERY_STATES>",

                 "<OWNER> eq <*USER*>");



                     "%s %-9.9s %1.1s %1.1s %-45.45s");

 Please let me know where i am going wrong

By Trish Collins - April 29, 20131 Answer

How can I undo a delivery in ClearCase UCM after the delivery is complete?


I have created new objects in the work area, and performed the sync work area. However, the Synergy Work area conflict window does not show the new objects. However, the same is working fine for another user. I verified the folders permission, and it looks good.

Can some one help me, what could be the problem ?


By Terrica Neal - April 16, 20132 Answers


Are there any open source tools that we can use for a small, agile team to track change requests for documentation and baseline item changes?  We don't need it to manage software, just documentation and any other baseline item changes. 

Thanks in advance,


Hi All

I am migrating VOBs from a v7 ClearCase server to a newly installed v8 server. There are many old views in the old v7 server we don't want to use (people left etc). After I copy the VOB storages over, re-register, what will happen to the views if I don't copy the view storages over? We want developers can re-create new views, may use the old names.

My concern is if we don't remove all views from the old v7 server before migration, will there be any view information stored inside the VOBs? Our v7 and v8 are totally separate servers (registry, license, VOB, etc). There should be no view information registered in the new v8 at all. So the question is: for a view, beside the registry, is there any reference inside a VOB?



We have an ongoing disagreement going on here about how do we identify CI's and their relationship to the Indentured product list.

By Riyaz Ahmed - March 19, 20131 Answer


Im new to accurev tool; can you please let me know how do i restrict pom.xml file from being promoted from user's stream to any other level of  integration streams; i know it could be done from trigger any further help on will be great



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