version control Questions

Hi. I have been looking around for new references to the software CA Harvest SCM and until now have not been able to identify this solution in recent independant studies (for example, Gartner Magic Quadrant, Forrester Wave, or others).  Does anyone know why  Harvest is not included in the recent versions of these reports?





I like to know the output of a command from Synergy 7.1. Since, we have already moved to the newer version Synergy 7.2, I dont have environment to check this. This output of this command is needed for modification in one of our internal script.

If you still uses Synergy 7.1, may you able to provide me the output of the following command:
ccm properties -f %status% non-existing-object-four-partname

Following output is resulted in Synergy 7.2 ::
ccm properties -f %status% non-existing-object-four-partname
CRCCG1025E The value 'non-existing-object-four-partname' for the object_spec argument is not valid.
CRCCM0302W The object specified by 'non-existing-object-four-partname' does not exist.
Recommendation: Read the Synergy help for information about this command.

Best Regards

Deepak Bawankar

By Naga Bhaskar - February 25, 20151 Answer

Hi, how can we run AccuRev in DEBUG mode? Can any one please help me with specific command

By Paul McElhone - February 16, 20152 Answers

We are about to migrate from ClearCase (Both Base and UCM) to GIT. Are there any papers or scripts out there that can help?

By Prari V - January 27, 20151 Answer

Hi, we are 100 memeber team working on one Java application. We are following Agile process and every week we will have a release for bug fixes and code changes.
Parallely we are also working on developement release on same code base.

Version Control tool is SVN.

For every week, (issues fix release and development  release)  all 50 devolpers are merging their changes manually. Becuase of this we have been facing many merge related issues and even some developers are missing to merge their code changes.we dont have any validation in place to validate developer word ( because of 300 + issues and 50 developers.) . we are simply assuming all developers merged their code changes as they mentioned. ) 

Kindly adivce any optimized solution or Merge Automations if any ?



By Ambika S - December 29, 20141 Answer


What are the pros and cons of stable trunk strategy (day to day commits on release branch, merge to trunk after production release) vs unstable trunk stategy (day to day commits on trunk, cut a branch when ready for release).

We have monthly release cycles and frequent emergency bug fixes there after. The emergency bug fixes sometimes can be multiple times during a day. There are about 10-15 developers for each project.



We have a code review tool Atlassian Fisheye+Crucible already implemented, but we are using this with Perforce as our version control tool. Since Perforce has another code review tool "SWARM" we'd like to evaluate this tool. But need to know the benefits of using this tool over Crucible with fisheye.

SOme of the benefits I know is:

- efficient Pre-Commit code reviews
- No extra database to administrator
- Performance - Swarm executes transactions much faster than Crucible because Swarm is so tightly integrated with Perforce
- Ability to commit code from SWARm UI

I need to know from a core technical perspective if there is any other benefits.

I'm have promarily used Subversion in the past, and the structure we used was:

/branches    - Self evident name for branch management

   /int          - Integration branches

      /projectA_effort_q4_2014 - Integration branch for release on q4 of 2014

   /usr         - Individual engineers branches

      /fred    - Fred's set of branches

         /some_bug - Fred's branched from somewhere to fix some bug

      /sally    - Sally's set of branches

         /some_feature - Sally's branched from somewhere to add some feature

/tags          - Self evident name for tagging

   /projectA_v1.0 - Tag of projectA at version 1.0

/trunk         - Trunk for various projects

   /projectA  - ProjectA

   /projectB  - ProjectB

/vendor      - Repo path for storing pristine drops of 3rd party code used in various projects

   /acme     - Vendor name of a 3rd party source of code

      /superLib - Acme provides us the superLib

         /current - Latest drop of superLib

         /v1.0_drop - Tagged drop of superLib

         /v1.1_drop - Tagged drop of superLib


The machanics of this is to allow for segregated development with maximum traceablity. For example any propriatary changes specific to a project needed within superLib would happen within that project, and only the pristine changes from the vendor would be within the /vendor area, then merged into the project to minimise merge errors.  Users brnach off the integration branches to their own staging areas in usr to integrate new functionality of fix issues and merge them back into the integration branches once proven.  The CM, PM, EM, and PVM would be responcible for merging the integration branch to the trunk project and tagging the trunk project versions.


Our current system is TFS based, and is really porrly managed - it was a historical conversion from ClearCase to TFS and there is no clear deliniation as described above.  In fact, it's more like a shot gun of tags and branches, without a really good organzation of where the root of changes should reside, and there's multiple code forks even though 90% of the code is shared.
I was looking to see if it makes sence to refactor the release structure into something like the above, but I'm not sure if it makes sense for TFS and the documentation I can find on TFS doesn't really describe best practices or typical work flows, and the rest of the users here are actually more familier with ClearCase as TFS was a corporate edict of standardization that was pushed onto them.
If you are familier with a better flow or best practice for TFS, please share as our current structure is unmaintainable and unscallable for validation and test purposes.

Thanks much,


By Param M - June 29, 20144 Answers


I am working an project to migrate from SVN to Clearcase UCM. Kindly guide me if any one have step by step process to move with or without revision files from SVN to Clearcase UCM.


Thanks in advance.

Hello ,

I am looking for a SCM solution for managing Production environment configuration .

We are have a complex apllication of iBorders solution which involves 6 components out of which 2 components are in C++ and rest in Java technology.

All application are communication using IBM MQ and intra communication is happening with Active AMQ .

Its a new set-up so I am trying to implement a SCM solution so that I can manage all configurations in version control and some mechanism to control every configuration change,

Will this be good to decide on directory structure and check-in all in SVN and then restrict all change to go through SVN ?

Please suggest .


Thanks in Advance !!


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