
Conference Presentations

Better Software West 2018, DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018 Five (Oops! I Mean Six) Mistakes Leaders Make

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Pete Behrens
STAREAST 2018 Balancing Tech Know-How with Social Skills

Even today, communication breakdowns are a primary cause of software project failures. Marcia Buzzella’s research shows that increasing the success rate of projects across agile, DevOps, and waterfall methods requires a balance of social and technical capabilities. Social interactions enable us to assess situations and course correct in ways machines cannot. By strengthening your individual social capabilities (i.e., improving communication techniques and building supportive relationships), you can help transform how testing activities are perceived and help stakeholders understand how testing objectives align with overall project goals. Marcia offers guidance on assessing your current communication skills—what you do well and what needs to improve—and tactics for enhancing your skills and the skills of your team.

Marcia Buzzella
STAREAST 2018 Testing Digital Interfaces: Chatbots, Home Assistants, Touch ID, Facial Recognition, and More

It seems almost everyday we see a product announced with a clever, new digital interface—and the rush has only just begun. From chatbots and motion sensors to facial recognition and voice integrations, these digital interfaces have a complex software side. Amir Rozenberg discusses the challenges we face now and explores a more challenging future to come for testers and testing. With concrete examples from the market, he offers new approaches for you to embed quality and test activities into the development cycle to tame the digital interface beast. With Amir, you’ll look at ways to test cloud-enabled digital interfaces, device-level diversified flows that leverage onboard sensors, and much more. With a good strategy and the best tools available, current digital interface innovations now—and those coming soon—will cause less disruption in your agile and DevOps pipeline flow and provide improved user experiences.

Amir Rozenberg
STAREAST 2018 Test Management in Agile—What Happened to All My Testers?

Substantial confusion exists about the roles and responsibilities of test management when using an agile software development process. Agile seeks to streamline project management and leadership under the role of a ScrumMaster. But what does this mean for test managers? How do they stay involved in the process? What role do they fill? Is it possible that test managers are no longer needed? Join Jeffery Payne for a collaborative dialog to discuss the pros and cons of a variety of test management models he has seen used by companies who have adopted agile. Learn how to best position yourself within the agile model to add value and continue to support your test teams. Take home practical knowledge on how test management is done successfully within agile projects.

Jeffery Payne
Agile Testing in Large Scale Organizations

Mary Thorn has had the opportunity in the past twenty years to work at many startups, creating several QA/test departments from scratch. For the past ten years, she has done this in agile software companies. Recently Mary moved from leading small agile test organizations to leading a large agile test organization where she has learned how to lead agile testers and agile testing in large contexts. Mary takes you through what she has learned, identifies the keys to transitioning your test organization as it grows, and discusses the techniques required to lead it through the changes. Agile testing is difficult; training your testers to be consistent and interchangeable across large scale agile teams is even more difficult; and still more difficult is test automation at scale.

Mary Thorn
STAREAST 2018 Machine Learning Heralds the End of Selenium

Selenium has been the cure for free and low-cost browser testing for years, and—in the world of agile, mobile, DevOps, and browserless interfaces—it is showing its age. Comparing Selenium to what’s coming, Jason Arbon says that machine learning and data analytics will become the new standard for test automation. With Selenium, test engineers suffer from the pains of broken element identification; broken, buggy, and partially implemented mobiletest capabilities; exploding costs of building abstraction layers on their apps; brittle test code when the application under test changes; and absence of any context or test logic in the framework. Jason unwraps the work that several startups and projects initiated in the past twenty-four months are actively doing to fix these issues with new general-purpose, test frameworks that combine machine learning and data analytics.

Jason Arbon
Automated Security Scanning for Your Delivery Pipeline

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Matthew Grasberger
STAREAST 2018 Thirteen Patterns of Testers Thriving in Agile Teams

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Shaun Bradshaw
BSE Testing Operations in the Continuous Delivery Ecosystem

As development teams move toward a more agile development process coupled with continuous delivery (CD), the role of operations has evolved from a support organization to an integral part of the product delivery ecosystem. Today, operations organizations need to be agile in their feature...

Sumedha Ganjoo
BSE Testing Risk Aware, Not Risk Averse

Most of us dread failures. But things go wrong. We can become paralyzed by the fear of being the creator of the next outage or critical bug. After a failure, we often hold a postmortem, but this rarely addresses how we can be more proactive in preventing catastrophes. Considering our...

Siva Katir


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