configuration management


Future Topics for CM Crossroads!!!

Hi everyone,

as always we love to get YOUR input on which topics we should be covering in the coming months. 
Obviously, DevOps is hot, Cloud & Mobile are essential. We have had many issues dedicated to CM for Small Teams, Process and more process and tips and strategies for Build Engineers.

What topics would you like us to cover? What topics would you like to write about yourself??
(Hint - I will help you! - just contact me directly)

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
[email protected]

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
What should be the ideal ratio of developer and QA to SCM strength in a company?

Is there is any study done which can state the ratio of  no. of SCM resources support to Dev+QA  resources in a company?

Kapila Narang's picture Kapila Narang
Crossing The DevOps Divide of Complex Personalities

IT organizations often face challenges ranging from complex technology to even more complex personalities. DevOps attempts to address the dynamics between IT operations and highly skilled software and systems delivery teams. Read on if you would like to improve your skills in dealing with these challenging dynamics.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
SCM and ITIL for technologies such as Cloud Computing?

Dear All,

I would like to know the SCM tools that are used for technologies such as Cloud Computing. Seen from this perspective, has anything changed with regards to the ITIL processes? For instance, with cloud computing, servers and application softwares are maintained by thirdparty companies such as Amazon. So, when development needs to release and deploy a software package, what ITIL processes have changed (if any)? I imagine that the SCM processes would be lean for cloud computing - correct me if I am wrong?



Cell: (+91) 9535279950

E-mail: [email protected]

Pradeep Prabhu's picture Pradeep Prabhu
Why NoSQL Matters and What Configuration Management Experts Need to Know About It

NoSQL is a new approach to data storage that addresses many problems associated with relational databases. Many highly popular websites—including Facebook, Netflix, and Digg—are using NoSQL to crunch large volumes of data. Eugene Dvorkin gives us insight into why NoSQL is important and what CM experts need to know about it.

Eugene Dvorkin's picture Eugene Dvorkin
Call for Articles - Software and Systems Development including DevOps and ALM !!!

Hi Everyone!

this is a great time to get involved with CM Crossroads by submitting your own articles on software and systems development. CM Crossroads has always had a strong focus on Configuration Management within the full software and systems lifecycle and this means that we are interested in articles on a wide array of topics. Contact me directly to get involved with submitting your own articles and I will help you with getting started, forming your ideas and editing your article for publication.

Common topics include:

  • Build and Release Engineering
  • Source Code Management including branching and streams
  • Deployment Engineering (DevOps)
  • Development in the Cloud
  • Configuration Management (including the CMDB)
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment
  • Environment Management
  • Change Management

    and much more! 

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
What numbering scheme to use for naming CM items?

I'm setting up a documentation library for a customer on a shared directory pending transfer to SharePoint later in the year. Per the customer’s request, the document ID numbers should contain an abbreviation for the team (e.g., CM for Configuration Management, EA for Enterprise Architecture, and SI for Systems Infrastructure). I'm adding docs related to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). 

I don't know whether to number these docs as CM, EA, or SI. Or whether to add a new abbreviation, maybe OTH for Other (which seems sub-optimal). Examples of the documents are:

Configuring SCCM
Installing SCCM
Importing Drivers into SCCM
Installing System Center Client on Servers
Configuring SCCM Client Policies
Create a Package in SCCM


Deborah Katz
what all are the questions needs to be asked to decide which version control tool to be used for a new project?

Hi All,

As a configuration engineer, what all are the points we need to discuss, or what all are the questions to be asked to decide which version control tool can be used for a new project developement?

Mahendran Balu
Differences among version control tools

As there are many version control tools available, I want to know the diffenrences among them and benifites of them.

Mahendran Balu
Agile ALM for Delivering Customer Value: Getting Started

In this first part of a two-part series, Mario Moreira writes that a reasonable application lifecycle management (ALM) product will have a common user interface for utilizing the ALM functionality. It will also include a meta-model and process engine to parse and share information across and amongst the various functions within the ALM framework. These technical needs must be accompanied by a strong business case for delivering higher customer value and new approaches for seamless integration.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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