configuration management


What is your favorite tool for Windows thick client installs?

Many of us support automated Windows installation. I have used MS Build for some time and most recently got to play with ClickOnce which is great. But what about legacy Windows applications? Do you still use Wise or InstallShield? What are the best practices and best products for supporting legacy windows application installation?

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
twitter: @bobaiello, @cmbestpractices

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Don't Forget Operations' Point of View in DevOps

Much of what is written about DevOps—a set of principles that helps development and operations teams work more effectively together—is delivered from the perspective of developers. In my opinion, DevOps needs to also take an operations point of view in order to be effective and practical. This article is all about putting the “ops” back into DevOps, so to speak.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
after creating a new package in change 4.7 (after installation), I dont see the package in the list

1) I have installed CS4.7

2) After creating the package by using one of the xml file, I dont see that in teh package installer  windows

2) Im alsonot able to impor tthe users/add users.

sneha sneha's picture sneha sneha
Joe Townsend Choose Your Tools Wisely: An Interview with Joe Townsend

We recently spoke with Joe Townsend, a software configuration manager with more than twelve years' experience in the field, about which CM tools work best for him—and which ones don't. Joe discusses the need for scalability and honest integration when selecting the right tools for any project.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
What Is the Real Difference between Software Configuration Management and Hardware Configuration Management?

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah recently noticed an increasing level of discussion on CM communities discussing software configuration management (SCM) versus hardware configuration management (HCM). Remember that there are many similarities between hardware and software, but there are certain differences that significantly impact your ability to develop and manage.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Respecting Culturally Diverse DevOps Teams

The year ahead likely will be filled with unprecedented challenges in terms of both technology and business demands. While technology and business needs are certainly complex, the people and personality issues may be even more challenging to deal with. This article will get you started with tackling some of these people-related challenges that you will likely encounter in the coming year.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
ClearCase Remote Client delivery error: malformed response: content_ID "CheckoutInfo"

Using ClearCase Remote Client,, attempting to deliver a single activity with a single change from a child stream to the parent.  Get this error mesage:

Error: " malformed response: Content-ID "CheckoutInfo""

Merge take place but I have to go to the target veiw and check the file in, which succeeds without incident.  Error only occurs when performing the delivery.

Is there a more popular SCM forum?

Five years ago, this forum used to be the best place to ask CM questions, but now it seems not many participates anymore. They all moved to somewhere else, or SCM is no longer hot?



Jirong Hu
How shall we take ITIL?

Hi All

Most of large organizations have a line between development area and production/operation area, due to many reasons, historical or outsource, etc. So there are a set of SCM processes for the development area, and another set  for production, e.g. change control.

Traditionally, the SCM specialists are working in the development area most of time, doing version control, change request, sort of things, util the software is realesed to production for operation.

My understanding of ITIL is more for production operational control. Therefore, as a SCM specialist, I haven't met with ITIL until today. However, when we start to talk about continuous delivery which strechs all the process all the way to production, how shall we deal with ITIL?



Jirong Hu
What's next after being a SCM specialist?

Hi All

I've worked as a SCM consultant for about 10 years, in the fields of configuration management (version control), build and deployment automation, change and release management, etc, most of time with IBM Rational tools in very large organizations such as banks, telcos and governments.

I feel I masted the principles in the first 5 years, and after that, just updating myself with newer tools and ideas such as from continuous integration to continuous delivery, etc.

Jirong Hu


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