configuration management


Harvest used by what corporations?

Can somebody tell me who uses Harvest? What corporations? I know AT&T, K-Mart use it.


In Synergy 7.1 when creating project, why is purpose not visible?

New synergy 7.1 db created for testing, we created custom Process and Process rules based on Synergy's default Process/Process rules (valid and working in other production databases). Now, if I want to create a new project, then I am not able to select any purpose (It shows blank), the message displayed is "No valid purposes for this release", but when I find Process/Process rules, everything is displayed correctly. Even in the Releases, the purposes are correctly set and visible. The problem occurs when I try to create the project.

Please suggest what might be the problem !

Deepak Bawankar
CM Excellence through People, Not Tools Achieve CM Excellence through People, Not Tools

Great tools and process are not the best formula for software configuration management excellence. Leslie Sachs writes that the most important resources for configuration management excellence are people—the technology professionals and the leaders who guide the team toward CM excellence. This article will help you understand what psychologists have learned regarding some of the essential qualities found among top leaders and others who consistently achieve excellence.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
What type of access to systems should CM have?

We have an environment made of of Web Servers (Windows 2003). We use something called "provisioning" to populate a farm of web servers that are used by the customer/user.

In my promotion process, we have the normal types of environments we are all used to have: development, QA (testing environment), and a production environment... with some others environments like a training environment and a production (duplicate) environment... (plus of course, a backup environment. All the latter environments are (and should be) equaled to production.

Using CA SCM, why is MAX statement giving error in HSQL query problem?

I am running a query that returns multiple rows using HSQL. I only want the most current row so I added a group by statement and a MAX statement for the date/time. In problem resolution I have found that the group by is working but the MAX statement is giving me an error. Any ideas?

Query below

select harenvironment.environmentname,

from harpackage

Inner Join harenvironment
on harenvironment.envobjid = harpackage.envobjid

Inner Join harstate
on harstate.stateobjid = harpackage.stateobjid

Inner Join harallusers
on harallusers.usrobjid = harpackage.creatorid

Streamlining and Automating Your Way to CM Excellence

Bob Aiello discusses hands-on software configuration management best practices within the context of organizational and group behavior. Excellence in CM requires that you implement best practices that meet the needs of your team. Done well, automated build, package, and deployment can help streamline the entire software and system development process, improving quality and productivity for your entire team.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
What is the best alternative to Rational ClearCase- SVN or Perforce?

The cost of Rational ClearCase licensing combined with the complexities of UCM and MultiSite have forced us to look at alternative tools. We have five locations over 3 continents with a mix of UCM, base ClearCase, and MultiSite implementations. Through discussions with CM folks at our sibling subsidiary companies we have narrowed the options to SVN or Perforce.

Could somebody please give their opinions on how these tools stack up against ClearCase?

How can we adopt CMDB during the early stages of the product/system/programe/project lifecycle?

I was after some feedback on how far the CMDB concept has been adopted in the earlier stages of the product/system/programe/project lifecycle, i.e. between the initial Bid Stage, through Requirements, Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Test, to say into a definitive media library (DML or DSL) prior to delivery to the Operational environment.

I would like to know whether there are any organisations out there trying to implement this and if so on which tools and perhaps how far/well this has been achieved.

I am not interested at the moment in knowing what is happening in the operational phases of the lifecycle because I know there is CMDB coverage there.

David Clarke's picture David Clarke
Agile Software Configuration Management: Communications and Documentation

Agile software configuration management concepts and right-sizing the documentation on your projects are discussed.

Are there solutions to performance problems using ClearCase over VPN?

I have performance problem with ClearCase over VPN.

I don't see problem with dynamic views on AIX. However, rebase/deliver for snapshot views on windows over VPN is extremely slow.

I would be interested in hearing if anyone's having the same issue and what are the solution.

Currently we are using cleracase version 8.



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