Testing's Role in the Software Configuration Management Process In this article, the authors cover how testing can support any SCM environment and how testing can be part of the SCM process. They outline at patterns, roles, automation, and the never-ending search for simplicity.
The Connection between Testing and CM Testing is a complex discipline. There are various approaches, methodologies, strategies. So where is the connection with CM? As with development, requirements specifications, and other aspects of product development, the connection is on the management side. A software configuration management audit is really about demonstrating that you have test case coverage for your requirements and that the test cases have been successfully run against the target build.
The Definition of "Done" in Software Development Getting all of the necessary people together to define what "done" means in a software development project will be difficult. Facilitating such a task will probably be a challenge, but there is nothing like working in an organization that works like a well-oiled machine, where everyone knows what is expected of him or her and just naturally does it.
Top 10 Best Practices in Configuration Management Joe Farah identifies the top ten "best" practices in configuration management and goes even further by listing ten more runner-up practices.
Constructing a Configuration Management Best Practice The construct of a practice can be a good way to help an organization understand and execute on a process. A good practice construct will include the components that are needed to implement a process within an organization in a successful manner for adoption. To move forward on a practice, there are areas of focus to attain a "best" practice.
Addressing Challenges to Ensure Successful Tool Integrations Tool integrations have been going on ever since the initial days of JCL (IBM's Job Control Language). JCL actually made things a lot simpler. But as tools have become more complex and diverse, tool integration presents many challenges. How do you integrate user interface and simplify the corresponding training? What about administration? How do you deal with varying scalability capabilities, and varying server requirements? What about multiple site operation? Successful tool integrations must effectively address these issues and must do so by starting from a process-centric view of the world.
Commonsense CM Strategies to Meet Good Quality Requirements Quality requirements are an elusive goal for any complex product development effort. A strong process and good tools can help advance requirements toward higher quality over time. The product development team plays an important role in establishing quality requirements. In a well-oiled customer/ developer relationship, frequent feedback will go both ways. Unknowns will be explored and change will occur. It's important that CM/ALM tools can clearly track requirements and their changes in a way that helps to capture increasingly improved requirement baselines.
Study of Myers-Briggs Types Relative to CM Professionals (2007) Mario Moreira conducted a study of CM professionals to find out what similarities and differences could be found between them. He then compared those results with what he learned from a similar study he conducted four years prior, to see what has changed, and what's stayed the same.
The One Right Way to Achieve High-Quality Requirements: Many authorities have undertaken to lay out the one right way to engineer system requirements. Although there are similarities among them, what is most striking is the diversity in approaches and, in some cases, conflicting philosophies. What are we to make of these dueling authorities and their competing guidelines?
Traceability and Auditability: Satisfying your Customers When we deliver software products, we need to be able to tell our customers what they're getting. Not only product documentation, but specifically, every time we deliver a new release we need to relay what problems were fixed and what new features were added. If the software is subject to periodic audits, we need to tell them even more, especially the abiltiy to trace a requirement or change request to what was changed.