Conference Presentations

STARWEST 2003: Rapid Web Testing in a High-Velocity Environment

It’s going live tonight! How can I test Web changes when I have only a few hours for testing? In this session, Greg Paskal presents the Minimal Essential Testing Strategy (METS) designed to aid in your rapidly changing Web environment. This creative technique will enhance your Web testing efforts, regardless of time constraints or type of application. Walk away with a starter strategy and ways to adapt this new process to your organization’s needs. Plus, discover ways to provide valuable feedback to developers as a by-product of using METS.

Greg Paskal, Kinko's
Sell Your Management on a New Testing Process

New test approaches and methods can temporarily disrupt your testing department's productivity, often making it tough to get these new approaches embraced by senior management and accepted into test teams. For the past few years, Microsoft has experimented with and finally embraced advanced methods, including model-based testing. Small-scale pilot projects, readily available tools, and widespread education can ease your migration to a new generation of software testing. Harr y Robinson shows how a small group of people successfully introduced test innovation into teams across Microsoft, and how they won acceptance for improvements that flew in the face of conventional methods and metrics.

Harry Robinson, Microsoft Corporation
Testing In Changing Times

Programming methods and tools are changing at a pace unrivaled since the Seventies. The economy has changed dramatically and continues to change now. New technology appears continuously and is becoming cheaper to deploy. Many testers who remain static in this rapidly changing climate will find themselves irrelevant and unemployed. Testers who change with the times not only find their jobs more stable, but more satisfying than ever before. The choice is yours. In this talk, Brian Marick discusses the attitudes, skills, techniques, and tools required for test practitioners to succeed in the coming years.

Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
Metrics For Test Managers

To be most effective, test managers must develop and use metrics to help manage the testing effort and make informed decisions about the software' quality. Although there is no one set of metrics that satisfies the needs of every test manager, there are certain things that all managers need to measure. Additionally, most important decisions should be supported by more than one metric. Rick Craig presents guidelines for you to build a set of metrics to track test status, measure test effectiveness, and predict product quality. Rick also addresses some of the major causes of dysfunction in the collection and use of metrics.

Rick Craig, Software Quality Engineering
Software Test Automation Fall 2003: Mission Made Possible: A Lightweight Test Automation Experience

This article discusses the UCI test process technique and how to implement it for your team. A sample test plan checklist is also included.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
A Survey of Approaches for Test Automation

This paper will help you understand approaches to test automation that have worked, identify some common requirements for success, determine which contexts favor the different approaches, contrast benefits and risks of using different product interfaces (GUI, API) for automation, and how to select a test automation architecture suitable for your project.

Bret Pettichord, Pettichord Consulting
A Roadmap for Software Testing Tools

Materials are not available at the request of the speaker.
For materials, please contact [email protected]

Michael Sowers, Software Development Technologies
Software Test Automation 2003: Implementing a Test Automation Framework

This paper will teach you the keys to test automation success and tell you how to design test library architectures. Also discussed are the pros and cons of using test automation tools.

Linda Hayes, WorkSoft
Load and Scalability Testing: Automation Issues and Solutions

This paper discusses how to assess system performance, response time and throughput, how to test the ability of a system and its supporting infrastructure to handle loads and stresses, how to test system robustness and the capability to recover from errors, how to test systems for scalability, and how to automate performance, load, stress, and robustness testing.

Ross Collard, Collard and Company
Software Test Automation Fall 2003: Test Automation on a Shoestring

Shoestring automation can help your team identify viable solutions that are available at the lowest possible price. It's also important to know what commercial tools are available for use and understand when you're better off using them. This paper provides a list of guidelines to use to help you decide if this approach is right for your project.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.


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