Conference Presentations

Applying Orthogonal Defect Classification Principles to Software Testing

Test escape analysis and corrective action tracking (TEACAT) is a method used to collect and utilize information about the causes of test escapes to prevent customer-found defects and improve internal test, development, and release processes. The TEACAT approach provides testers and test managers with the primary causes of defect escapes from the organizations into the field. Suzanne Garner takes you through the test escape analysis process at Cisco and shows you how test-specific ODC fields can be employed to provide customer focus to test process improvement activities, and ensure that test gaps are closed.

Suzanne Garner, Cisco Systems Inc
Effective Testing for Java-based Web Software

This presentation addresses the following: What is Java software, anyhow? How do you test Java? How do you build testable Java applets/applications?

Sam Guckenheimer, Rational Software
Architectures of Test Automation

Regression test automation is just one example of automated testing, and it is probably not the best one. This double-track presentation considers the problems inherent in regression automation and outlines alternatives that involve automated generation, execution, and evaluation of large numbers of tests. Explore oracle-based, high-volume comparison tests, stochastic tests, and configuration tests.

Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology
Validation and Component-Based Development

Component-based development is the practice of constructing software applications from new or existing encapsulated language-independent modules. In his presentation, David Wood details a case study on the use of opaque-box testing, coupled with code coverage and pre-/post-conditions, to provide validated software components. Learn about component-based development and how to apply it to your projects.

Rob Harris, Harris Corporation and David Wood, Applied Object Engineering
Measuring Ad Hoc Testing

Many testers discover most of their bugs through a free-form exploration of a product called ad hoc testing. Ad hoc testing, however, can be difficult to manage. Jonathan Bach presents his experiences in making this intuitive and unstructured process manageable by packaging it in blocks of roughly equivalent effort (called test sessions). Learn how this test session concept allows you to measure and report test effort in a way that supports the needs of management, without burdening the tester with excessive paperwork or intrusive oversight.

Jonathan Bach, Satisfice, Inc.
Performance Testing E-Commerce Web Systems

Performance testing of e-commerce Web systems is critical to the effectiveness of Web sites. Michael Hagen describes how Vanguard went through extensive load testing in preparation for the Y2K weekend. Discover how to develop performance requirements, set up a performance testing environment, and execute the actual testing. Gain invaluable insight into what makes a Web system--from browser to mainframe-perform or not perform.

Michael Hagen, The Vanguard Group
Graybox Software Testing in the Real World in Real-Time

The Graybox Testing Methodology is used to test embedded systems. Recent studies have confirmed that the Graybox method can be applied in real-time using software executing on the target platform, expanding the capabilities of this method to include not only path coverage verification but also worst-cast/best-case path timing. Learn how this methodology has been applied in a real-time environment to validate mission-critical embedded software systems.

Andre Coulter, Lockheed Martin
How to Break Software Applications: A Case Study

James Whittaker took a group of untrained (and untainted) college students, ran them through a rigorous testing boot camp, and then pointed them at an already tested, world-class software product. Their mission: test it, break it, prove it works, and then automate everything you did. The outcome: interesting bugs, cool test automation, compelling test patterns, and useful ways of testing that you might never have considered before.

James Whittaker, Florda Tech
Functional and Regression Testing of Web Applications

Gone are the days for most commercial Web sites when the "application" on the site was the Web. Now Web sites are often just the presentation layer for sophisticated applications that interact with a complexity of internal and external systems, all glued together in an elaborate architecture using Corba or DCOM. Learn how to ensure that transaction-based Web sites function properly. Explore the benefits of automated testing in these environments.

Peter Cook, Watchfire
STAREAST 2000: The Result of Testing Is Not Quality

From this presentation's summary:

  • Re-Design Testing to Provide Information to Manage Risks
  • Use Risk Analysis to Determine What & When to Test (Knowledge)
  • Design Test Activities to Provide Feedback about Risks (Information)
  • Use a Hierarchical Test Approach with Feedback
    Loops (Information+Knowledge)
  • Remember The Business Goal (Wisdom)
Shel Seigel, Seigel Associates Corporation


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