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Wearable Computing Reaches New Heights[magazine]

With mobile and small embedded devices extending the reach of modern computing, the predictions are that wearable computing is definitely the next biggest thing. If you want to know more about the wearable device  revolution, Mukesh presents facts that will convince you this is the next hottest trend.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Explosion of Mobile and The Internet of Everything[magazine]

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker highlights the contents of the July/August issue with two articles featuring mobile and wearable intelligent devices and the challenges they present to typical software development.  Ken also provides information on ordering a print copy of Better Software.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Learning from Mistakes Positive Psychology and Learning from Mistakes[article]

Mistakes happen. But team members can engage in very dysfunctional behavior after they have made mistakes—often because their organizations punish mistakes and cause damage trying to cover them up. Here’s what we learn from positive psychology about creating an environment where employees can be empowered to address their mistakes in an open, honest manner.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Change Management Evolutionary Change Management[article]

Change management is a dynamic process that has to evolve with the changing needs of the business, organizational size, and project outcomes. This article addresses some challenges with change management and some tactics that can be used for choosing the right strategies for overcoming these challenges. The key is to stress the importance of keeping change management scalable and lean at every stage of the organizational improvement process.

Pradeep Prabhu's picture Pradeep Prabhu
Dennis Schultz discusses mobile testing Stop Rushing Your Mobile Testing: An Interview with Dennis Schultz[interview]

In this interview, IBM's Dennis Schultz discusses the emergence of mobile applications in the business world, how some companies tend to rush their products to market before they're ready, and the challenges that go along with testing mobile apps compared to those found on the web.  

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Paco Hope puts a Harry Potter twist on security testing Security Testing for Muggles: An Interview with Paco Hope [interview]

Paco Hope talks STARWEST 2014, his goals to reduce the stigma around security testing, and how you don't have to be a wizard to test the safety of your software. Paco also covers how security testing is like cooking, the future of security, and how he became interested in security testing.

Making Difficult Choices Myth 31: I Don’t Have to Make the Difficult Choices[article]

"Don't bring me problems; bring me solutions." Sound familiar? Sounds like a management cop out to Johanna Rothman. A primary purpose of managers is to help their teams perform to the best of their abilities, and that includes stepping up and making tough decisions to help solve problems.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
ALM Integration Platform The Essentials to Look At in an ESB-Based ALM Integration Platform[article]

Identifying the right vendor for an ESB-based integration platform is not an easy task. It depends on several factors associated with your current ALM use case and requirements. Project stakeholders should decide on the integration flow, future tool enhancements, tool accessibility, and configurability before coming to a conclusion. This article takes them through the steps of identifying value propositions in an ESB-based integration solution.

Sanat Singha's picture Sanat Singha
Dave Cotter discusses mobile software development Head Tracking, 3D, and the Birth of Firefly: An Interview with Dave Cotter[interview]

In this interview, SquareHub cofounder and CEO Dave Cotter talks about his rich experience in the tech industry, the uses of 3D and head tracking in modern mobile software, and the implications that Amazon’s Firefly might have on microtransactions.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
DevOps Collaboration Harnessing the Power of Collaboration for a DevOps-Driven Organization[article]

From buzzwords to definitions, much has been discussed and debated about DevOps. Yet what it really means is solely up to the IT professionals running the show at thousands of organizations around the world. This article describes building a DevOps culture organically, with less reliance on automation tools and more focus on contextual collaboration, information federation, and visualization.

Cass Bishop's picture Cass Bishop
Netflix's Gareth Bowlestalks about teting in the cloud Using the Netflix Simian Army: An Interview with Gareth Bowles[interview]

Gareth Bowles of Netflix talks about his upcoming presentation at STARWEST 2014, how the cloud is all about fault tolerance, how his time at several Sillicon Valley start-ups has prepared him for joining Netflix, and how his career turned him from a developer into a tester. 

David Oddis talks about defect analysis and test management Defect Analysis and Managing Testing in Multiple SDLCs: An Interview with David Oddis[interview]

David Oddis talks about the importance of having an effective defect analysis process, as well as insight on how to manage testing across various SDLCs and the challenges it could present for teams. He also shares his opinions on today's hot topics.

Why Am I Always Getting Bad News in the Eleventh Hour?[magazine]

This article is a departure from previous columns. Kenton and Ryan role play the stress and friction between a typical product manager and an engineering team lead. This article may make you squirm, but it brings out the issues of teams attempting to do the best thing from completely different perspectives.

Kenton Bohn's picture Kenton Bohn Ryan McClish
Digging into DevOps Digging Deeper into DevOps[article]

The DevOps movement was started to address the communication challenges between development and operations teams, but instead of engaging in the continuous cycle of self-improvement, management often wants to mimic techniques used by other successful companies. W. Edward Deming showed decades ago that copying others is not effective. This article suggests better approaches to good communication.

Pini Reznik's picture Pini Reznik
My Team Is Agile, but My Organization Is Not! What Can I Do?[magazine]

In this FAQ column, Sanjiv Augustine advises how to upgrade your organization's portfolio management by addressing inefficient, outdated, and value-killing portfolio management processes.

Sanjiv Augustine's picture Sanjiv Augustine


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