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Video: Delivering Velocity and Quality for the New Style of Application Delivery[presentation]

Do you want to deliver high performance applications with unprecedented velocity and uncompromising quality?  Join HP Experts, Silvia Siqueira, Michael Cooper, and Shane Evans for an informative discussion about HP’s recent innovations in testing and quality assurance to make...

Michael Cooper, HP, Silvia Siqueira, HP, and Shane Evans, HP
Management Value Management Myth 30: I Am More Valuable than Other People[article]

Just because you have a fancy job title doesn't mean you can manage your team members by bossing them around. Servant leadership is an important skill for managers, as the best managers are those who serve the people who work for them.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Video: SAFe: The Scaled Agile Framework[presentation]

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a popular process for enterprise-wide agile adoption. It is a pre-built framework that describes the individual roles, teams, activities, and artifacts necessary to scale agile from team to enterprise level while providing a cadence for teams to follow...

Jared Richardson, Agile Artisans
Video: See the Value: Focus on Delivering the Right Software[presentation]

Many agile teams focus solely on velocity as their measure of progress. They draw burn-up charts to track it over time and make it the focus of much of their discussion during sprint planning and retrospectives. Is the strong focus on this metric truly in line with the principles of...

Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan, LeanDog and Ardita Karaj, EPAM
Video: An Agile Throwdown: Munich Takes on the Columbus Agile Benchmark Study[presentation]

Agile has not only gone mainstream, it’s gone global. Data on agile team performance, time-to-market, and quality have emerged in the past decade. In 2012, a group of...

Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
Video: Service Virtualization: Speed Up Delivery and Improve Quality[presentation]

“We could not test this because…” Every technology professional has experienced issues during system testing when unit testing was overlooked or cut short. Every project team has hit roadblocks during system testing when dependent systems or complicated data have been unavailable. Service...

Anne Hungate, Independent Consultant
Video: Beyond the Web and Apps: The Domestication of Knowledge[presentation]

Since the dawn of computing, we've invented only two ways to get work done―the web or apps. We hunt for information on the web or we gather functionality from the app store. In each case, users must take the initiative to find the information they need...

James Whittaker, Microsoft
Video: The Mismeasure of Software: The Last Metrics Talk You'll Ever Need to Hear[presentation]

The Mismeasure of Software: The Last Metrics Talk You'll Ever Need to Hear Lee Copeland claims that most organizations have some kind of metrics program—and almost all are ineffective. After explaining the concept of measurement, Lee describes two key reasons for these almost universal...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Video: Driving Lean Innovation on Agile Teams[presentation]

The Lean Startup® methodology has taken the business world by storm and is revolutionizing product development through the application of a Build-Measure-Learn cycle, and the systematic application of techniques such as Customer Discovery, Customer Development, and Pirate Metrics. With...

Sanjiv Augustine, LitheSpeed
Video: The Secrets of Mobile App Testing[presentation]

Most app teams aim for 4 stars—not 5. Why? Because delivering and maintaining a high-quality app becomes more challenging every day. Agile engineering and continuous integration put more pressure than ever on testers and quality-focused developers. Add to that the raw complexity of device...

Jason Arbon, Applause
Video: For Maximum Awesome[presentation]

An agile hardware and engineering company of 500 collaborators in twenty countries, Team WIKISPEED uses test-first development practices, is run by Scrum teams, and produces road legal cars, micro-houses, and social-good projects. Joe Justice shares how their 100-MPG road car was created...

Joe Justice, Scrum, Inc
Video: Producing Product Developers[presentation]

Many teams and organizations have found agile methods help them produce more. Where critical thinking is alive, a more important question arises: Are we producing the right thing? Even though agile tools and processes have helped produce more, they often fail to help us produce the right...

David Hussman, DevJam
What's a Professional?[magazine]

For years we've all heard how software development and IT are a mixture of art and science. As our industry matures and becomes more mainstream, Johanna wants to upset the apple cart by suggesting that there's a  missing and sorely needed ingredient—professionalism.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Implementing DevOps Deciphering DevOps[article]

Many organizations struggle with understanding and implementing DevOps. The first question most managers ask is, “What is DevOps and how will it help me?” Organizations often refer to DevOps in several very different ways, and therein lies the confusion. Read on to find out what DevOps really means and what its practices can do for your work processes.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Developing Custom Apps for the Cloud[magazine]

With the cloud providing tremendous freedom like instant deployment of updates, you're definitely going to have to adjust how you develop and deploy apps. Pete and Matt have created a list of things you need to consider when developing apps for the cloud.


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