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Eliminating Software Defects with Jidoka—The Overlooked Pillar of Lean[presentation]

Many development organizations are experimenting—but getting mixed results—with lean development techniques. As a test or development manager, you have the power to help eliminate defects—the largest source of waste in development—and the enormous rework costs they incur.

Bill Curtis, CAST
Tests and Requirements: Like Ham and Eggs, Sugar and Spice, Lucy and Desi[presentation]

The practice of agile software development requires a clear understanding of business needs. Misunderstanding requirements causes waste, slipped schedules, and mistrust within the organization. Developers implement their perceived interpretation of requirements; testers test against...

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Swimming with the Salmon: Lessons in Moving Quality Upstream[presentation]

Having difficulties getting your organization to recognize the value of QA? Is your “salmon team” losing to currents that impede continuous improvement and strategic planning? Colleen Kirtland and Harish Krishnankutty share their two-year uphill struggle to elevate QA to the position of...

Colleen Kirtland, The Capital Group & Harish Krishnankutty, Infosys Limited
User Acceptance Testing: Make the User a Part of the Team[presentation]

Adding user acceptance testing (UAT) to your testing lifecycle can increase the probability of finding defects before software is released. The challenge is to fully engage users and assist them in becoming effective testers. Help achieve this goal by involving users early and setting...

Susan Bradley, Grange Mutual Insurance
Confessions of a Test Automation Addict[presentation]

Feeling fatigued, frustrated, and stressed at work? Wondering how you can stay relevant and highly valued in this fast-changing software development domain? David Rosskopf shares how you can become more productive through a non-traditional approach for automating testing—and much more.

David Rosskopf, LDS Church
Automate Mobile App Testing—Or Go Crazy[presentation]

During the past decade, test engineers have become experts in browser compatibility testing. Just when we thought everything was under control, along come native mobile applications that need to run across platforms far more diverse than the desktop browser landscape has ever been.

Stewart Stern, Gorilla Logic Inc.
STARWEST 2013: Security Testing Mobile Applications[presentation]

Due to the sensitive nature of the personal information often stored on mobile phones, security testing is vital when building mobile applications. Jeff Payne discusses some of the characteristics that make testing mobile applications unique and challenging. These characteristics include...

Jeff Payne, Coveros
Get Testing Help from the Crowd[presentation]

Crowdsourcing has become widely acknowledged as a productivity solution across numerous industries. However, for companies incorporating crowdsourcing into existing business practices, specific issues must be addressed: What problem are we trying to solve? How do we control the process?

Matt Johnston, uTest
Beyond Continuous Delivery—All the Way to Continuous Deployment[presentation]

Just as those in the software world are getting their hands around agile practices, leading software organizations are going beyond continuous delivery for acceptance testing and now adopting continuous deployment—the practice of immediately releasing new code from development into...

Kris Lankford, Microsoft
Decoupled System Interface Testing at FedEx[presentation]

If you work in a large-scale environment, you know how difficult it is to have all the systems “code complete” and ready for testing at the same time. In order to fully test end-to-end scenarios, you must be able to validate results in numerous systems. But what if all those systems are...

Chris Reites, FedEx Services
STARWEST 2013: Mobile Test Automation with Big Data Analytics[presentation]

Organizations with a mobile presence today face a major challenge of building robust automated tests around their mobile applications. However, organizations often have limited testing resources for these increasingly complex projects, and stakeholders worry about the quality of the product.

Tarun Bhatia, Microsoft
The Google Hacking Database: A Key Resource to Exposing Vulnerabilities[presentation]

We all know the power of Google—or do we? Two types of people use Google: normal users like you and me, and the not-so-normal users—the hackers. What types of information can hackers collect from Google? How severe is the damage they can cause? Is there a way to circumvent this hacking?

Kiran Karnad, MIMOS Berhad
Introducing the New Software Testing Standard[presentation]

Software testing standards—who cares, anyway? You should! The new ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 software testing standard, driven by representatives from twenty countries and under development for the past five years, will be released soon. As a professional tester, you need to know about...

Jon Hagar, Grand Software Testing
Reducing the Cost of Software Testing[presentation]

The demand to deliver more software in less time is increasing. Give in to the pressure without thinking, and you end up facing burnout, stress, business risk, and, most likely, even more demands. Refuse, fight the good fight, and it is likely the business will replace you with someone else.

Matthew Heusser, Excelon Development
Testing Lessons Learned from Monty Python[presentation]

And now for something completely different...Monty Python's Flying Circus revolutionized comedy and brought zany British humor to a worldwide audience. However, buried deep in the hilarity and camouflaged in its twisted wit lie many important testing lessons—tips and techniques you...

Rob Sabourin,


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