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Intelligent Mistakes in Test Automation[presentation]

A number of test automation ideas that at first glance seem very sensible actually contain pitfalls and problems that you should avoid. Dot Graham describes five of these “intelligent mistakes”—automated tests will find more bugs more quickly; spending a lot on a tool must guarantee great...

Dorothy Graham, Software Test Consultant
Working Testing Tasks into the Product Backlog[presentation]

If you've worked on an agile project, delivering to production on a regular basis, then you've struggled with the challenge of fitting in all the big tasks—performance, security, usability, and compatibility testing. To make matters worse, over time it becomes more and more challenging...

Michael Kelly, DeveloperTown
Rapid Performance Testing: No Load Generation Required[presentation]

Load testing is just one—but the most frequently discussed—aspect of performance testing. Luckily, much of performance testing does not demand the same expensive tools, special skills, environments, or time as load testing does. Scott Barber developed the...

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus Inc.
STARWEST 2013: Creating a Better Testing Future: The World Is Changing and We Must Change With It[presentation]

The IEEE 829 Test Documentation standard is thirty years old this year. Boris Beizer’s first book on software testing also turned thirty. Testing Computer Software, the best selling book on software testing, is twenty-five. During the last three decades, hardware platforms have evolved...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Key Strategies to Survive the Mega Test Program[presentation]

Sometime in your career as a test manager, you’ll be assigned to lead the effort for a program so large that the CEO and board of directors monitor it. These are programs that bet the organization’s future and come with a high degree of risk, visibility, pressure, and fixed deadlines. 

Robert Goetz, Kaiser Permanente
Data Warehouse Testing: It’s All about the Planning[presentation]

Today’s data warehouses are complex and contain heterogeneous data from many different sources. Testing these warehouses is complex, requiring exceptional human and technical resources. So how do you achieve the desired testing success? Geoff Horne believes that it is through test planning...

Geoff Horne, NZTester Magazine
Model-Based Testing with Keywords[presentation]

Model-based testing can be a powerful alternative to just writing test cases. However, modeling tools are specialized and not suitable for everyone. On the other hand, keyword-driven test automation has gained wide acceptance as a powerful way to create maintainable automated tests, and...

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear
Agile Code Reviews for Better Software—Sooner[presentation]

Code reviews are often thought of as anti-agile, cumbersome, and disruptive. However, done correctly, they enable agile teams to become more collaborative and effective, and ultimately to produce higher quality software faster. Mark Hammer describes how lightweight code review practices...

Mark Hammer, SmartBear Software
Automated Performance Profiling with Continuous Integration[presentation]

Historically, performance tests are run long after the code has been checked in, making performance issues time consuming to resolve and thus not a good fit in the agile process. Ivan Kreslin presents a solution that he’s implemented to address this problem. Learn how Ivan integrates...

Ivan Kreslin, Mitchell International
Software Quality Metrics for Testers[presentation]

When implementing software quality metrics, we need to first understand the purpose of the metrics and who will be using them. Will the metric be used to measure people or the process, to illustrate the level of quality in software products, or to drive toward a specific objective? 

Philip Lew, XBOSoft
Testing to Detect Problems that Will Hurt the Bottom Line[presentation]

Many of our stakeholders don't understand testing like we do, especially those whose focus is on making sales, growing revenues, and watching the bottom line. As testers, how can we support them in their efforts to be successful? How can we provide useful, timely information that helps...

Pradeep Soundararajan, Moolya
Model-Based Testing: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques[presentation]

For decades, software development tools and methods have evolved with an emphasis on modeling. Standards like UML and SysML are now used to develop some of the most complex systems in the world. However, test design remains a largely manual, intuitive process.

Adam Richards, Critical Logic
Create a One-Page Capacity Model for High-Traffic Web Applications[presentation]

In the test lab and in production everything hinges on looking at the right performance metrics. A common problem for engineering teams is that they don’t know what metrics they should be analyzing. It’s easy to get lost in an ocean of data from disparate monitoring tools and...

Dan Bartow, SOASTA Inc.
Database Version Control and Why It Matters A Primer on Database Version Control and Why It Matters[article]

While source code version control has been a staple of basic software configuration management (SCM) in most development projects for decades, databases have been largely ignored. Implementing SCM principles in database development gives objects protection and enables the automation of database deployments. Software can help to facilitate these processes, but database SCM practices should be instilled from the top of the development organization in order to ensure optimal benefits.

Brian Krebs's picture Brian Krebs
How to Deal With Overly Agreeable People How to Deal With Overly Agreeable People[article]

Dealing with overly agreeable people can be fraught with obstacles quite different than those usually associated with the stereotypical stubborn geek who seems unable to bend or compromise. This article will help you understand and deal with the unexpectedly challenging aspects that you may experience interacting with some agreeable people.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs


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