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Developer-driven Quality: Putting Developers in the Drivers' Seat[presentation]

Although many software development teams rely on their QA/Test departments to uncover critical product defects near the end of development, we all recognize the inefficiency of this approach.

Colby Litnak, MasterControl, Inc.
ALM in the Cloud: Bringing Code to the Cloud and Back Again[presentation]

The deployment destination for today’s applications is going through its biggest transition since the rise of the application server.

Mik Kersten, Tasktop Technologies
How to Rework Poorly Defined Requirements[presentation]

Poorly defined requirements are even more dangerous than no requirements because they offer the illusion that all is well during development.

Steve Caseley, CBTNuggets
When the Pressure Is On: A Risk-based Approach to Project Management[presentation]

Teams everywhere have experienced tight deadlines for software development projects. In such time-constrained situations, how can you systematically determine where to focus the team’s efforts?

Rean Young, Kroger Company
Selecting the Right Mobile Testing Solution: Practical Considerations and Proven Practices[presentation]

Because the mobile market is extremely dynamic, maintaining consistent application quality is always difficult.

Eran Yaniv, Perfecto Mobile
Leaping into the Cloud: Risks and Mitigation Strategies[presentation]

The cloud has rapidly gone from “that thing I should know something about” to the “centerpiece of our five-year corporate IT strategy.” However, cloud computing is still in its infancy.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Ten Tips to Get Requirements Right and Make Stakeholders Happy[presentation]

Have you ever delivered an application with functionality that was not what the stakeholders really wanted-or needed? Have you ever discovered that you were listening to the wrong people?

Carol Askew, Intermountain Healthcare
Seven Habits of Highly Successful Project Managers[presentation]

It is easy to find a million ways that software development and project managers can let down their teams and their projects.

Ken Whitaker, Leading Software Maniacs
Mobile Apps: Breaking Down the Barriers[presentation]

Mobile application development introduces additional complexity when compared to building traditional applications.

Todd DeCapua, Shunra
Cloud Computing 101: Concepts, Benefits, Challenges, and Costs[presentation]

Cloud computing is a paradigm that makes the notion of utility computing a reality.

Arlene Minkiewicz, PRICE Systems
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference West 2012: EARS: The Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax[presentation]

One key to specifying effective functional requirements is minimizing misinterpretation and ambiguity.

John Terzakis, Intel Corporation
Context-driven Leadership: How to Ride a Bull through a China Shop[presentation]

Software development projects are just different. They’re often high-risk ventures with extremely complex interrelationships, filled with uncertainties, dependent on scarce knowledge workers, and much more.

Kent McDonald, Knowledge Bridge Partners
The Paths to Innovation[presentation]

There are many paths to innovation. At one extreme, many large companies create research labs, staff them with world-class Ph.D.s, and set them working for years to solve complex technical problems.

Patrick Copeland, Google, Inc.
Sustainable Software Quality-at Warp Speed[presentation]

Businesses demand high levels of product quality, development productivity, planning reliability, employee satisfaction, and customer loyalty.

Richard Hensley, McKesson Health Solutions
Influence v. Authority: Using Your Personal Power to Get Things Done[presentation]

How often have you been in a situation where you could see the solution and yet did not have the authority to make a change? You tried persuasion; you tried selling your ideas; you might have even tried friendly manipulation to get your way.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.


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