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Beyond the Silver Lining: Testing Go Daddy's Cloud[presentation]

The cloud offers users a way to easily access applications and data from anywhere on any device. However, behind that simple façade lies a colossal testing challenge.

Brent Strange, Go Daddy
Agile Defect Management: Focus on Prevention[presentation]

Efficient agile organizations focus on defect prevention rather than downstream defect discovery because discovering defects during or after testing adds to development costs.

David Jellison, Constant Contact
Stop the Test Automation ROI-based Justification Insanity[presentation]

In the past, we justified our automation efforts with ROI calculations based on saved test execution time. Unfortunately, those “savings” frequently led to eliminating testers from the organization.

Bob Galen, RGalen Counsulting Group, LLC
The Tester's Role in Continuous Integration[presentation]

If your software product is recompiled and integrated frequently, you can improve your testing by integrating automated tests into your continuous integration process.

Ayal Cohen, HP
Moneyball and the Science of Building Great Testing Teams[presentation]

Moneyball is an analytical, metrics-based approach to assembling a competitive baseball team. It is based on breaking down accepted preconceptions and finding new ways to look at individual skills and how they mesh as a team.

Peter Varhol, Seapine Software Inc
Tests and Requirements: You Can't Have One without the Other[presentation]

The practice of software development, including agile, requires a clear understanding of business needs. Misunderstanding requirements causes waste, missed schedules, and mistrust within the organization.

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Testing in the Cloud: Policy, Security, Privacy, and Culture[presentation]

Many organizations are evaluating and migrating toward cloud computing solutions. In 2012, the challenges are less technological, and more cultural and policy related.

Steven Woodward, Cloud Perspectives
Making the Most of Test Automation on an Agile Project[presentation]

In today’s competitive marketplace, the ability to rapidly release new product features is vital. As we move from traditional release cycles of months and years to cycles of days and weeks, test automation approaches need rethinking.

Alexander Andelkovic, Spotify
Building a 21st Century Test Automation Framework[presentation]

Customers in today’s Web 2.0 world expect rapid releases of feature-rich applications that just work. Keeping up with such a paradigm change requires test organizations to focus heavily on test automation.

Clark Malmgren, Comcast Video Services
Testing a Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Project[presentation]

When an organization builds a data warehouse, critical business decisions are made on the basis of the data. But how do you know the data is accurate? What should you test, and how?

Karen Johnson, Software Test Management, Inc.
SoLoMo Is Shaking Up The Testing Landscape: How QA Organizations Can Adapt, Keep Up, and Thrive[presentation]

The collision of social, local, and mobile media (a.k.a. SoLoMo) is impacting and disrupting software development and testing organizations worldwide.

Matt Johnston, uTest Inc.
Leverage Your Test Automation ROI with Creative Solutions[presentation]

Typical automated tests perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately. However, with some creativity, you can leverage automation to dramatically increase its ROI. Doug Hoffman demonstrates how to employ test automation for testing activities that are impossible with manual testing.

Doug Hoffman, Software Quality Methods, LLC
State-of-the-Art Cloud Testing: Experiences with Bing Search[presentation]

The cloud is penetrating every technology organization and almost every software product or service.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Becoming a Kick-*** Test Manager[presentation]

Want to be a great test manager for your team? A leader your company values highly? Too many test managers do what their organization asks-rather than what their organization needs-and hope for good things to happen.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Tapping into Testing Mobile Devices and Apps[presentation]

Look around you at all those people gazing into smart phones and tablets, tapping away, seemingly oblivious to what’s going on around them. Like it or not, mobile devices and the applications they host are now enmeshed in our everyday lives.

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts, Inc.


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