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Agile Teamwork: Three Ways to Minimize Handoffs[magazine]

Rather than rely on large handoffs between specialties, high-performing Scrum teams learn to do a little bit of everything all the time during a sprint. To do this effectively, teams must make three changes: shift from writing about requirements to talking about them, reduce the size of handoffs and make them more frequently, and pay more attention to the size of the product backlog items that they bring into their sprints.

Mike Cohn's picture Mike Cohn
The Cloud and ALM: An Interview with Mik Kersten[interview]

Mik Kersten and Heather Shanholtzer recently spoke about trends in cloud-based tools and how cloud technology affects application lifecycle management.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
The Wisdom of Crowds[article]

The "wisdom of crowds," or crowdsourced testing, can be a powerful tool if harnessed correctly. It also can backfire when tweaking user-facing functionality in a live environment, as a couple of big-name companies discovered. Tread carefully!

Erik Petersen's picture Erik Petersen
Regulation, Compliance, and Delivery[magazine]

Regulatory compliance may seem daunting, and penalties for non-compliance can be severe. What is the QA professional’s role in making it work?

Paul Fratellone's picture Paul Fratellone
Crowdsource Your Career[magazine]

In today's tech-centric environment, there are many advantages to building a social network both online and "in real life." Here are some ideas to help you boost your career, market yourself, and add to your problem-solving toolbox by harnessing this "people power."

Dawn Code's picture Dawn Code
Test Terms You Really Need[magazine]

Anyone interested in finding a testing glossary that already exists can use some great online resources. Defined here are several terms in common use that rarely or never make it into the "official" definitions. Finally, there are some terms in use that no longer support the underpinning technology and need to be either retired or expanded.

Claire Lohr's picture Claire Lohr
How Do You Know When It's Time To Go?[magazine]

Whether you are in a toxic work situation, or you feel you are no longer performing effectively, sometimes you find yourself at a crossroads in your job and you have to ask yourself, "Should I stay, or is it time to move on?"

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
No Silver Bullet? Silver Buckshot May Work[presentation]


Gregory Pope, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kata: Discover the Art of Practice to Master New Practices[presentation]

Kata is a Japanese word describing detailed, choreographed patterns of movements one masters through practice. Unfortunately, in software development we use the term "practice" very loosely.

Tom Perry, Visa Inc.
Test-driven Development: It's All about Fluency[presentation]

Test-driven Development (TDD) is more of a skill that requires repeated practice than a book-learning technique-more like learning a foreign language than implementing a precise process.

Llewellyn Falco, DevelopMentor
Focus on Value First: An Agile Transformation Competency Framework[presentation]

Organizational transformation is difficult work. Many agile transformation efforts begin with lofty goals only to be sabotaged by unrealistic expectations about the depth and complexity of the changes required.

Tamara Runyon, CollabNet
Lean Framework, Agile Principles, and CMMI®[presentation]

Many large software development organizations, which have discovered that they must become more agile to compete, frequently ask Dan Rawsthorne, "What does 'big' scrum look like?" Because no two organizations are alike, this simple question d

Dustin Potts, Nationwide Insurance
Development Productivity: The Science behind Motivation[presentation]

When there is a defined task with a clear set of rules to follow, rewards are an excellent way to encourage desired behavior.

Russell Pannone, We Be Agile
Dealing with Stories: Sizing, Tracking, and Defining "Done"[presentation]

For story estimating and tracking, Ken Pugh finds the same issues seem to crop up on many teams-whether a story is too big, too small, or just right; how best to track stories; the definition of “done” for a story; and what should be represen

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Agile Pathologies: People Problems in Agile Shops[presentation]

For agile adoptions that fail, you may not be sure of what went wrong or exactly where but you know something is broken somewhere. And with success, you often do not know what went right.

Rajeev Singh, ThoughtWorks Inc


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