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15 TechWell Favorites from 2011[article]

Two TechWell editors take take a look back at fifteen articles that were among the most read, the most shared, and the best conversation starters.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister Jonathan Vanian
What If Quality Shouldn’t Be Job One?[magazine]

We live in a consumer-oriented society, where we are taught to expect that everything that we buy or create must be the best. Clearly, quality is considered to be a top-selling feature in many of the products that we buy. But what if it shouldn’t be?

Howard Smallowitz George Stark
Configuration Management and DevOps with Jez Humble and Bob Aiello[article]

In this excerpt from an interview recorded at this year's Better Software and Agile Development Practices East conferences, authors Bob Aiello and Jez Humble discuss the challenges and the rewards of instituting configuration management and DevOps practices.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
adzic cover Specification by Example: Collaborating on a Scope without High-Level Control[article]

Understanding what the business users are trying to achieve can significantly help you focus the project on things that really matter. In this excerpt from Gojko Adzic's book Specification by Example, the author offers some tips for effectively collaborating on the project scope when you don’t have high-level control of the project.

Gojko Adzic's picture Gojko Adzic
Lessons Learned in Configuration Management Consulting[article]

CM is about process, but is also about the people who do the day-to-day work. This article by Leslie Sachs shows the lessons she learned from the demanding world of configuration management consulting.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
I'm Going Mobile: Testing Mobile Applications for Fun and Profit[presentation]

In this lightning talk from STAREAST 2011, Jonathan Kohl discusses testing mobile software and takes a look at some of the differences between mobile and traditional software.

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts Inc.
The Pursuit of True Agility[article]

Adrian Cho looks at agile practices, invention, and change through the allegory of musical experiences.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
SCM Tool as Collaboration Tool[article]

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to give a virtual talk at a product launch for an SCM Tool vendor. The theme of the talk was basic branching strategies, and preparing for the talk led me to reflect on what Brad and I wrote in the SCM Patterns Book. This post is based on those thoughts.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
origami birds Behavior Unbecoming of a Leader[article]

One of the most important roles of a leader is to serve as a role model for others in the organization. In this article, Naomi Karten describes a situation in which a CIO forgot this responsibility, almost taking action that would have undermined his efforts to reverse the IT organization’s plunging morale.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Not an Estimating Problem[presentation]

In this lightning talk from STAREAST 2011, Dale Emery takes a look at some common issues we encounter when estimating and explains why they aren't actually estimating problems.

Dale Emery, DHE
Not an Estimating Problem[article]

In this lightning talk from STAREAST 2011, Dale Emery takes a look at some common issues we encounter when estimating and explains why they aren't actually estimating problems.

Dale Emery's picture Dale Emery
The Three Amigos: All for One and One for All[magazine]

Analysts determine what needs to be created. Programmers create it. Testers find the holes in the work of both. That's one way to do it, but all three can collaborate to do these things better, and more easily, too.

George Dinwiddie's picture George Dinwiddie

Words and definitions help with communication. And it's hard to come up with an unambiguous word. But try hard to use words as they are defined in your context. That will help you to communicate, set expectations, and maybe even be more agile.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
10 Thoughts On Technical Debt[magazine]

Many people realize that the technical debt spiral is a perverse incentive—it ends up rewarding behaviors we don't want and causing long-term pain. In this article, Matt Heusser moves beyond cliché to talk about how tech debt happens and what we can do about it.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Book Reviews for BAs[magazine]

Get a head start on your New Year's resolution. Hone your business analysis skills or learn new ones, and make 2012 the highlight of your career.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer


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