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Performance Testing Throughout the Life Cycle[presentation]

Even though it is easy to say that you should continuously test your application for performance during development, how do you really do it? What are the processes for testing performance early and often?

Chris Patterson, Microsoft
I Wouldn't Have Seen It If I Hadn't Believed It: Confirmation Bias in Testing[presentation]

"It ain't what we don't know that gives us trouble; it's what we know that ain't so." Will Rogers was talking about confirmation bias-the tendency to feel secure in our beliefs rather than to seek evidence that might challenge them.

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
A Test Odyssey: Building a High Performance, Distributed Team[presentation]

It seemed simple enough-hire the best available technical staff that would work from home to build some great software.

Matthew Heusser, Socialtext
The Elusive Tester-Developer Ratio[presentation]

Perhaps the most sought after and least understood metric in software testing is the ratio of testers to developers.

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services
Virtualizing Overutilized Systems to Eliminate Testing Constraints[presentation]

Organizations currently are using virtualization in the test lab to eliminate underutilized systems such as physical computers and software.

Ken Ahrens, iTKO
Executable Specs w/ FitNesse Selenium[presentation]

"Executable Specifications with FitNesse and Selenium."

Dawn Cannan, DocSite LLC
Meet "Ellen": Improving Software Quality through Personas[presentation]

Users are the ultimate judge of the software we deliver because it is critical to their success and the success of their business. However, as a tester, do you really understand their tasks, skills, motivation, and work style?

David Elizondo, Microsoft Corporation
STAREAST 2010: Service-driven Test Management[presentation]

Over the years, the test manager's role has evolved from "struggling to get involved early" to today's more common "indispensable partner in project success." In the past, when "us vs.

Martin Pol, POLTEQ IT Services BV
Chartering the Course: Guiding Exploratory Testing[presentation]

Charters help you guide and focus exploratory testing. Well-formed charters help testers find defects that matter and provide vital information to stakeholders about the quality and state of the software under test.

Robert Sabourin,
Virtual Test Labs in the Cloud[presentation]

In most software engineering organizations, development and test labs continuously demand regular computer, storage, and networking infrastructure upgrades and continuous support.

Jacob Ben-David, VMLogix, Inc.
Test Automation Success: Choosing the Right People and Process[presentation]

Many testing organizations mistakenly declare success when they first introduce test automation into an application or system. However, the true measure of success is sustaining and growing the automation suite over time.

Kiran Pyneni, Aetna, Inc.
Automated Test Case Generation Using Classification Trees[presentation]

The basic problem in software testing is choosing a subset from the near infinite number of possible test cases. Testers must select test cases to design, create, and then execute.

Peter Kruse, Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH
A Deeper Dive Into Dashboards[presentation]

This session is a deeper examination of how to apply dashboards in software testing.I spent several months on a project primarily building a software testing dashboard. I have learned some interesting things, including:

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services
The Many Hats of a Tester[presentation]

As testers, we must wear many hats to do our job effectively.

Adam Goucher, Zerofootprint
STAREAST 2010: Testing AJAX: What Does It Take?[presentation]

Using AJAX technologies, Web 2.0 applications execute much of the application functionality directly in the browser. While creating a richer user-experience, these technologies pose significant new challenges for testers.

Joachim Herschmann, Borland (a Micro Focus company)


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