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What is Best, Scrum or Kanban?[article]

What is best, Kanban or Scrum? Because I can't make up my mind, I decided to write a single article in two parts—one where I wear the "I love Kanban" hat and one where I'm wearing an "I love Scrum" T-shirt.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
White Paper: What's the Value of Requirements Management in a Down Economy?[article]

Conceptually, requirements management is about bringing products to market faster, improving team efficiency, and catching requirements defects earlier in the development process. It's these potential benefits that explain why 67 percent of teams said they will use or plan to use a collaborative requirements management solution in the next year, based on a recent "State of Requirements Management" survey.

John Simpson
White Paper: Scripting With ODBC Protocol: LoadRunner[article]

This document helps the beginner create ODBC scripts to test the server and query response time. The research document provides details on ODBC, grids, and queries. Also in this paper, the authors propose an approach for scripting with ODBC protocol. It explains the need of ODBC protocol and the application that supports it, which includes information on how ODBC works. The Misys EMR application is used to explain the practical significance of LoadRunner ODBC script.

Shainesh Baheti
Love Your Job - Top 10 Reasons to Love Agile Testing[article]

Few things are more rewarding than working in a job that you love.

Kay Johansen has collected a list of "Top Ten Reasons to Love Agile Testing", which she's shared with the agile-testing mailing list.  It's inspirational and motivating to hear people who are passionate about their work talk about why they love their jobs.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Defect Tracking: Best Practices[article]

Whether an organization is developing a new system or maintaining an existing system, implementing best practices in the defect tracking and management processes will save time and effort. In this paper we discuss typical issues and lessons learned, and map these to preventive measures.

Mike Ricklin
If Your Build Fails and No One is Around to Hear It, Does It Make a Sound?[article]

Continuous Integration build tools are great: they help us ensure our product works after every commit, keep historical data and metrics, build our product for all target environments, and do many more useful things. But there's one key aspect that often gets overlooked: They're fun.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
White Paper: Testing Estimation Using Use Case Points[article]

This white paper explains the use case points method for testing effort estimation.

Vineet Singh Pangtey
White Paper: sqaMethods Approach to Designing a Testing Automation System[article]

While there may be many ways to design a testing automation system, sqaMethods' goal has always been to deliver a solution that is easy, modular and where testers can create automation scripts that mimic the format of the manual test. This paper explains how we go about designing an automation system with the right level of abstraction and functionality.

Leopoldo Gonzalez
Resurrecting the Prodigal Son--Data Quality[article]

The objective of this article is to share key lessons regarding the importance of data quality testing and present a step-by-step generic test strategy.

Raj Kamal
Business-Level Change Management[article]

It's impossible to pin down a universal definition of the term "change management," but what about at the business level? By incorporating executives and senior managers, key employees who are known for driving real change, perhaps we reach a more agreeable single definition.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Distributed Agile Day to Day[article]

"Distributed" isn't a word that always has appeared favorably in works about agile methodology. After all, the proximity of agile team members while working is highly regarded. In this article, an excerpt of which originally appeared in the May 2009 Iterations eNewsletter, Chris McMahon takes a look at how "agile" and "distributed" can work together successfully.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
Keeping Your Build Under Ten Minutes[article]

One of the practices recommended by Extreme Programming (XP) is to keep a ten-minute build.  Kent Beck and Cynthia Andres write in Extreme Programming Explained (Second Edition): "Automatically build the whole system and run all of the tests in ten minutes.  A build that takes longer than ten minutes will be used much less often, missing the opportunity for feedback."

So what do you do when your build takes longer than ten minutes? 

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Crash Course in Proficient Presenting[magazine]

Ben has to make a presentation at the next all-hands meeting. It'll be his very first presentation, and just thinking about it has sent him into a panic. Fortunately, he has the support of an experienced speaker and coach who offers advice and encouragement to help him become a proficient, panic-free presenter.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Issues about Metrics about Bugs[magazine]

Managers often use metrics to help make decisions about the state of the product or the quality of the work done by the test group. Yet, measurements derived from bug counts can be highly misleading because a "bug" isn't a tangible, countable thing; it's a label for some aspect of some relationship between some person and some product, and it's influenced by when and how we count ... and who is doing the counting.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
GUT Instinct[magazine]

Whether or not a unit test is considered good is not simply about what it tests: It is also very much about "how" it tests. Is the test readable and maintainable? Does it define the expected behavior or merely assume it? To be sustainable, the style of a unit test is just as important as the style of any other code. Perhaps a little surprisingly, the most commonly favored test partitioning style does not meet these expectations.

Kevlin Henney's picture Kevlin Henney


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