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Demystifying Virtual Test Lab Management[presentation]

The benefits of a virtualized test lab environment are compelling and quantifiable--rapid provisioning and tear down of environments, faster test cycles, and powerful new capabilities to resolve defects.

Ian Knox, Skytap
The Savvy Web Tester's Tool Kit[presentation]

Did you know that you can get many free-or nearly free-tools to supercharge your Web testing efforts? Amazingly, at the click of a button, you can download some very advanced capabilities to make you seem like a testing genius.

Erik Petersen, Emprove
Calculate the Value of Testing: It's Not Just About Cost[presentation]

It seems that senior management is always complaining that testing costs too much. And their opinion is accurate if they consider only the costs-and not the benefits-of testing.

Leo Aalst, Sogeti Netherlands B.V.
Man and Machine: Combining Tools with the Human Mind[presentation]

When you think of automated testing, you usually think of computer software executing unattended tests. When you think of manual testing, you think of a human being executing tests without the aid of software.

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts Inc.
Testing AJAX Applications with Open Source Tools[presentation]

AJAX testers and developers have serious challenges developing unit tests, functional tests, and load/performance tests in a time when AJAX and other Web development technologies continue to expand.

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
End-To-End Test Automation for Complex Systems[presentation]

As a world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment, Ericsson knows that test automation is a key factor for driving a successful test organization.

Thomas Thunell, Ericsson AB
Patterns and Practices for Model-Based Testing[presentation]

To apply model-based testing (MBT) to many different applications, simply learning the high-level principles is not enough. You need extra guidance and practice to help orient testers and developers to begin using models for testing.

Keith Stobie, Microsoft Corporation
STARWEST 2008: The Marine Corps Principles of Leadership for Testers[presentation]

You can have the best tools and processes in the world, but if your staff is not motivated and productive, your testing effort will be, at best, inefficient. Good test managers must also be good leaders.

Rick Craig, Software Quality Engineering
The Power of Specially Gifted Software Testers[presentation]

Specialisterne ("The Specialists") is a Danish company that employs people with very special capabilities to perform complex and difficult tasks, including software testing, quality control, and data conversion.

Thorkil Sonne, Specialisterne
Top Ten Non-Technical Skills of the Better Testing[presentation]

In the era of SOA and Web 2.0, as it becomes more and more difficult to accomplish comprehensive testing, Krishna Iyer and Mukesh Mulchandani describe ten non-technical skills that will make you a better tester.

Krishna Iyer, ZenTEST Labs
Test Automation Techniques for Dynamic and Data Intensive Systems[presentation]

If you think you're doing everything right with test automation but it just won't scale, join the crowd.

Chris Condron, The Hanover Insurance Group
Exploratory Testing: The Next Generation[presentation]

Exploratory testing is sometimes associated with "ad hoc" testing, randomly navigating through an application. However, emerging exploratory techniques are anything but ad hoc.

David Elizondo, Microsoft Corporation
STARWEST 2008: Test Estimation: Painful or Painless?[presentation]

As an experienced test manager, Lloyd Roden believes that test estimation is one of the most difficult aspects of test management.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
STARWEST 2008: The Case Against Test Cases[presentation]

A test case is a kind of container. You already know that counting the containers in a supermarket would tell you little about the value of the food they contain. So, why do we count test cases executed as a measure of testing's value?

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc.
STARWEST 2008: What Price Truth? When a Tester is Asked to Lie[presentation]

As testers and test managers, our job is to tell the truth about the current state of the software on our projects.

Fiona Charles, Quality Intelligence Inc.


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