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Beyond the Mission Statement: How Values Drive Behavior[presentation]

Companies often invest a lot of time and money into defining their mission statement, expecting it to drive employee behavior toward the stated purpose. Unfortunately this is a myth.

Michele Sliger, Sliger Consulting, Inc.
SOX and HIPPA and RESPA, Oh My! Mastering Software Compliance[presentation]

Determining whether legal and contractual issues apply to your development efforts isn't always simple. There may be some obvious factors-industry regulations, service level agreements (SLAs), and state or federal agency oversight.

Elle Ringham, Cognizant
Software Security Assessment: The Naked Truth[presentation]

With software running our most critical business processes, we need to think about both its utility and the risk it can add to those processes.

Herbert Thompson, Peoples Security
A Toolkit for Assessing SOA Readiness[presentation]

Before charging "full speed ahead" into the land of service-oriented architecture (SOA), you need help to ensure success and mitigate the risks inherent in such major systems changes.

Jerry Smith, Symphony Services
The Uncertainty Surrounding the Cone of Uncertainty[presentation]

Barry Boehm first defined the "Cone of Uncertainty" of software estimation more than twenty-five years ago. The fundamental aspect of the cone is quite intuitive-that project uncertainty decreases as you discover more during the project.

Todd Little, Landmark Graphics Corporation
Continuous Integration: The Cornerstone of a Great Shop[presentation]

Jared Richardson believes that of all the development practices being promoted today the best single practice is continuous integration.

Jared Richardson, 6th Sense Analytics
Your Attention Please: Concentration is a Learnable Skill[presentation]

With the possible exception of the fakir walking barefoot on a bed of nails, no one can focus attention on a single object for more than about fifteen seconds.

Lee Devin, Swarthmore College
Fifteen Tips for Speeding up Your Project[presentation]

Faster is better for software projects-if and only if all the right elements are in place and ready to go. Sometimes your organization is in a sweet spot-that period of time when your project should start immediately.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Eight Steps to a Virtualized Test Environment[presentation]

Virtualized software test environments deliver quantifiable benefits-lower lab costs, faster test cycles, and lower IT support overhead.

John Janakiraman, Illumita
Who Are Your Project Stakeholders?[presentation]

It's easy to list all the stakeholders and identify different types of users for your software project-WRONG!

Linda Westfall, The Westfall Team
Ten Principles of an Agile Tester[presentation]

Everyone on an agile team does testing. If that's true, what's so special about an agile tester? If I define myself as a tester on an agile team, what does that really mean?

Lisa Crispin, ePlan Services, Inc.
Successful Process Improvement - The Agile Way[presentation]

Using agile techniques to develop and implement new processes-whether for use in agile environments or not-will increase stakeholder involvement and buy-in, lower cultural resistance, reduce process development cycle time, and encourage conti

Nelson Perez, Sierra's Edge, Inc.
Better Software Conference 2008: Agile Software Testing Strategies[presentation]

Test automation is like exercise. We know both are great ideas, but most of us don’t do enough of either.

Jared Richardson, 6th Sense Analytics
Agile Leadership: Coaching Great Teams[presentation]

When adopting agile methods, many project managers find it difficult to move from a traditional, control-based model to a servant-leader based model.

Robert Galen, RGCG, LLC
The Psychology of Software Engineers[presentation]

The personality traits of software engineers tend to be quite different from those of the general population. In recent years, psychologists have come to a nearly unanimous consensus on the number and nature of human personality dimensions.

James McCaffrey, Volt Information Sciences, Inc.


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