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Monty Python's Flying Test Lab[presentation]

And now for something completely different ... Monty Python's Flying Circus revolutionized comedy and brought zany British humor to a world-wide audience.

Robert Sabourin, Inc
The ROI of Testing[presentation]

In today's competitive business environment, corporations need and demand a good return on investment (ROI) for everything they do-and testing is no exception.

Shaun Bradshaw, Questcon Technologies, A Division of Howard Systems Intl.
Today's Top Ten Controversies in Testing[presentation]

Having been in the IT industry for thirty years, Lloyd Roden believes that we often adopt behaviors even though there is little evidence that they are correct or beneficial.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
GUI Testing for Multi-language Applications[presentation]

An analysis of defect reports on several multi-language projects demonstrated that, for localization, almost 80% of the bugs were cosmetic issues.

Marco Torres, Citrix Systems Japan R&D
Perils and Pitfalls of the New Agile Tester[presentation]

If your background is testing on traditional projects, you are used to receiving something called "requirements" to develop test cases--and sometime later receiving an operational system to test.

Janet Gregory, DragonFire Inc.
Systematic Test Design...All on One Page[presentation]

Good test design is a key ingredient for effective and efficient testing.

Peter Zimmerer, Siemens AG
Testing Disasters and Turnarounds[presentation]

It's good to learn from your own mistakes, but even better to learn from the mistakes of others. Randy Rice presents case studies of testing projects that have gone horribly wrong and reveals the one characteristic they all have in common.

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services Inc
Growing Our Industry: Cultivating Testing[presentation]

Although software testing is a relatively young discipline, immaturity is not the only reason we are still developing our methods, professional qualifications, trade associations, and its position in the software industry and society.

Isabel Evans, Testing Solutions Group Ltd
Assuring Web Service Quality[presentation]

David Fern demystifies Web services technology, explaining that Web services are loosely coupled, language independent processes that communicate following SOAP standards using XML messages.

David Fern, Social Security Administration
Agile Testing: Traditional Testing Meets Agile Development[presentation]

Agile development methodologies are taking center stage in many software organizations today. Testing in a highly iterative environment adds great opportunities for success but it also brings challenges.

Dietmar Strasser, Borland Software
Test Cases as Executable Specifications[presentation]

While testing major architectural changes to a legacy product, it became clear to Andy and Ronelle's team that without a close association between test cases and application requirements there was no assurance that these requirement were met.

Ronelle Landy, The Mathworks Inc.
The Rise of the Customer Champions[presentation]

The customer champion model is a new way for test teams to systematically collect, organize, and act on customer feedback.

Michael Tholfsen, Microsoft Corporation
Testing SOA Applications: A Guide for Functional Testers[presentation]

Functional testers assigned to their first SOA application can easily be caught off guard by some of the challenges posed by the SOA architecture.

Brian Bryson, IBM Rational
The Ten Principles of an Agile Tester[presentation]

On an agile team, everyone is a tester-anyone can and often does take on testing tasks. If that’s true, then what is special about being an agile tester? If I'm a tester on an agile team, what does that really mean?

Lisa Crispin, ePlan Services, Inc.
Branch Out: Using Classification Trees for Test Case Design[presentation]

A structured, visual approach to identify and categorize equivalence partitions for test objects, classification trees offer a unique way for you to document test requirements so that anyone can understand them and quickly build test cases.

Julie Gardiner, Grove Consultants


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