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A Pair of Stories about All-Pairs Testing[presentation]

What do you do when you're faced with testing a million or more possible combinations, all manually? Easy-just declare the problem so big and the time so short that testing is impossible.

Jon Bach, Quardev, Inc.
Bringing Shrek to Life: Software Testing at DreamWorks[presentation]

Want to take a behind the scenes look at DreamWorks Animation testing?

Anna Newman, DreamWorks Animation
Preparing for the Madness: Load Testing the College Bracket Challenge[presentation]

For the past two seasons, the Windows Live development team has run the College Bracket Challenge, which hosts brackets for scores of customers during the "March Madness" NCAA basketball tournament.

Eric Morris, Microsoft
Testing for Security in the Web 2.0 World[presentation]

While many are extolling the virtues of the next generation of Internet and Web technologies, others are warning that it could turn the Internet into a hacker's dream.

Michael Sutton, SPI Dynamics
Measures and Metrics for Your Biggest Testing Challenges[presentation]

Over the course of many STAR conferences, Ed Weller has collected a list of your biggest challenges in testing-lack of time, unrealistic deadlines, lack of resources, inadequate requirements, last minute changes, knowing when to stop testing,

Edward Weller, Integrated Productivity Solutions, LLC
The Tester's Critical C's: Criticism, Communication, Confidence[presentation]

Testers are professional critics. Our job is to evaluate and criticize other people's work. Although criticism can have a positive meaning, it is more often taken as negative.

Dorothy Graham, Grove Consultants
A Needle in a (Very Large) Haystack[magazine]

Putting together a successful team is always a challenge, but assembling a global team can be almost overwhelming. These tips can help you overcome the obstacles to hiring the best offsite developers for your project.

Sherif Koussa
Is There a Problem Here?[magazine]

Suppose you were testing an application that you had never seen before with no time to prepare, no specification, no documentation, no reference programs, no prepared test cases, no test plan, and no other person to talk to. How do you know that what you are seeing is a bug?

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Hawthorne Effect[magazine]

Ever wondered what productivity experiments on factory workers in the early twentieth century have in common with today's adoption of agile practices? Lee sheds some light on the "process of process" and the importance of retrospectives as catalysts for change.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
New and Improved: Get User Buy-In on Process-Improvement Initiatives[magazine]

When these information architects were assigned to a team that was struggling to achieve CMMI Level 2, they found little user buy-in for the new processes. Find out how introducing user-centered design to the project got everyone involved in the design process and increased the users' satisfaction in the end product.

Ember R. DeBoer
Some Assembly Required[magazine]

Despite the hype, test-driven development is not as easy as child's play. Successful implementation of TDD requires discipline and an understanding of the potential pitfalls. This article examines the "fine print" of TDD and explains how following some guidelines can help you make it a valuable addition to your development toy box.

Jennitta Andrea's picture Jennitta Andrea
Inside SOA[magazine]

Building on a May 2007 Better Software magazine article by Dan North, this month’s cover story continues a look inside service-oriented architecture that emphasizes the process that defines the services rather than the technical specifics. However, this article does use standard technologies—Java, XML, SOAP, WSDL, and POX to further describe a practical implementation of the vacation-booking service described in Dan’s article.

Arjen Poutsma
Testing on the Toilet: Revolutionizing Developer Testing at Google[presentation]

You work in an organization with incredibly smart and diligent software engineers. Deadlines are tight and everyone is busy.

Bharat Mediratta and Antoine Picard, Google, Inc.
STARWEST 2007: The Nine Forgettings[presentation]

People forget things. Simple things like keys and passwords and the names of friends long ago. People forget more important things like passports and anniversaries and backing up data.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Customer Advocacy: The Key to Testing Success[presentation]

Testing professionals are often viewed as the pessimists of the software world. Some people think testers will do anything to prevent an application’s release into production.

Theresa Lanowitz, voke, Inc.


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