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Commonsense CM Strategies to Meet Good Quality Requirements[article]

Quality requirements are an elusive goal for any complex product development effort. A strong process and good tools can help advance requirements toward higher quality over time. The product development team plays an important role in establishing quality requirements. In a well-oiled customer/ developer relationship, frequent feedback will go both ways. Unknowns will be explored and change will occur. It's important that CM/ALM tools can clearly track requirements and their changes in a way that helps to capture increasingly improved requirement baselines.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Lean-Agile Traceability: Strategies and Solutions[article]

For some lean/agile practitioners, the idea of maintaining traceability among different development artifacts is nonsense. There are times, though, when traceability is required and other times when it's highly valuable. We need to develop a value mindset of transparency in our processes and approach so that traceability requirements can be satisfied with minimal effort.

Study of Myers-Briggs Types Relative to CM Professionals (2007)[article]

Mario Moreira conducted a study of CM professionals to find out what similarities and differences could be found between them. He then compared those results with what he learned from a similar study he conducted four years prior, to see what has changed, and what's stayed the same.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Discussion Toolkit[article]

Saying the right thing at the right time can be difficult. Prepare yourself with a handful of phrases that will help you keep the conversation going in the right direction. In this week's column, Michele Sliger offers a few of her own phrases to help you build a discussion toolkit.

Michele Sliger's picture Michele Sliger
The One Right Way to Achieve High-Quality Requirements:[article]

Many authorities have undertaken to lay out the one right way to engineer system requirements. Although there are similarities among them, what is most striking is the diversity in approaches and, in some cases, conflicting philosophies. What are we to make of these dueling authorities and their competing guidelines?


Alan S. Koch
Behavior-Driven Development: An Evolution in Software Design[article]

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is not a revolution in software design, but rather an evolution in how we software engineers think about program design. In this article the author introduces Behavior-Driven Development, explore the rationale behind it, and introduce Open Source tools—some new, some familiar, that you can use to get you started.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
budget table Using Earned Value Management for Improving Processes[article]

This article explains earned value management and explores how the metric can be used to improve project and business processes.

Cynthia K. West
Makefile Debugging: A introduction to remake[article]

remake forked from GNU Make 3.80 and is currently at version 0.62.   This version incorporates some, but not all, of the changes made in GNU Make 3.81. 

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Web 2.0: The Fall and Rise of the User Experience[presentation]

The Web has enabled pervasive global information sharing, commerce, and communications on a scale thought to be impossible only ten years ago.

Wayne Hom, Augmentum Inc.
Points of Defect Creation: Speeding Detection and Correction[presentation]

Software development methodologies try to improve quality by promoting the tactic of testing "early and often." When a defect is detected, a report is filed, the developer tries to reproduce and repair the problem, and then testing must verif

Shankar Krishnamoorthy, Krishna Sivaramakrishnan, and Aparna Venkateshwaran, Aspire Systems
When Good Numbers Go Bad[presentation]

All measurement numbers begin their life with the objective of being good and useful tools.

Thomas Cagley, The David Consulting Group
A CMMI® Success Story: What Happens in Guadalajara Doesn't Stay in Guadalajara[presentation]

Can a group of software developers, located in Mexico, achieve CMMI® certification and set the standard for their larger U.S. parent company to follow?

Jeff Fiebrich and Diego Garay, Freescale Semiconductors, Inc.
SOA Governance: The Process Change Required for Succcess[presentation]

The SOA revolution is already underway in many IT organizations. SOA creates new cultural, organizational, and technological challenges that must be met to ensure success.

David Butler, Hewlett-Packard
Using Agile Management Techniques on Traditional Projects[presentation]

Project managers generally run a project based on the development methodology used by their company.

Brian Watson, Quick Solutions, Inc.
Taking Personal Ownership for Software Development Success[presentation]

The responsibility for building effective software teams is more than just a management task. Indeed, in some situations, management could easily rationalize that there is limited business value in improving team effectiveness.

Jim Brosseau, Clarrus Consulting Group, Inc.


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