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Build Rules: A Management System for Complex Test Environments[presentation]

Due to the interaction of many software components, there is increased complexity in testing today's software solutions.

Steve Hagerott, Engenio Storage Group, LSI Logic Corporation
Progressive Performance Testing: Adapting to Changing Conditions[presentation]

An inflexible approach to performance testing is a prelude to disaster. "What you see at the start isn't always what you get in the end," says Jeff Jewell.

Jeff Jewell, ProtoTest LLC
Test Metrics in a CMMI Level 5 Organization[presentation]

As a CMMI® Level 5 company, Motorola Global Software Group is heavily involved in software verification and validation activities.

Shalini Aiyaroo, Motorola Malaysia Sdn. Bhd
STAREAST 2006: Apprenticeships: A Forgotten Concept in Testing[presentation]

The system of apprenticeship was first developed in the late Middle Ages. The uneducated and inexperienced were employed by a master craftsman in exchange for formal training in a particular craft.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
ISQTB Certification: Setting the Standard for Tester Professionalism[presentation]

Sandra Bourgeois has 25 years experience as an IT professional project manager, test manager, developer and QA lead. She is a Director and Project Manager at MassMutual

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting
Using Production Failures to Jump Start Peformance Test Plans[presentation]

Learning from a production system failure is not a model MassMutual Financial Group would have chosen.

Sandra Bourgeois, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
S-Curves and the Zero Bug Bounce: Plotting the Way to Better Testing[presentation]

The use of objective test metrics is an important step toward improving your ability to effectively manage any test effort. With the two test metrics-the S-Curve and Zero Bug Bounce-you can easily track the progress of the test effort.

Shaun Bradshaw, Questcon Technologies, A Division of Howard Systems Intl.
Do Your CM/ALM Tools Help Secure Your Development Assets?[article]

You're part of a very successful growing software company. As you approach the office one morning, fire trucks out front indicate that this is not business as usual. Fortunately, you have nightly off-site back-ups. Unfortunately, you'll need equipment, software, back-up recovery operations, and perhaps things can be back to normal in a few days with limited data loss. Or maybe you've noticed data problems creeping into your development repository ever since the recent round of layoffs. Or a hacker. Maybe there was a critical disk crash. Or maybe a new software release has introduced data inconsistency. There are many ways your development assets can be compromised. So you really need many avenues to secure them. Your CM and/or ALM suites are part of your development backbone - they must be up to the task of getting you back on your feet, the same day.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
From Peer Review to Pair Programming[article]

There is always talk about improving application quality.  In many instances, a large quality program gets initiated that either takes a lot of resources and time or introduces change that is too challenging for the organization (or project team) to handle. It is usually better to start on a smaller scale. Focusing on improving application quality in the programming phase, a couple of suggests are: 1) initiate peer reviews (e.g., code reviews) and/or 2) initiate pair programming.  While peer review is more widely known and used in the software development industry, pair programming offers more problem solving possibilities. Both are known to reduce defects and improve quality. The key is to introduce a small initiative like peer review or pair programming ensuring you are building the practice for success.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
STAREAST 2006: Testing Dialogues - Technical Issues[presentation]

Is there an important technical test issue bothering you? Or, as a test engineer, are you looking for some career advice?

Facilitated by Esther Derby and Johanna Rothman
Hallmarks of a Great Tester[presentation]

As a manager, you want to select and develop people with the talents to become great testers, the ability to learn the skills of great testers, and the willingness to work hard in order to become great testers.

Michael Hunter, Microsoft Corporation
Sarbanes and Oxley: Your New Stakeholders[presentation]

Determining whether legal and contractual issues apply to your development efforts isn't always simple. There may be some obvious factors: a well-regulated industry, service level agreements, and state or federal agency oversight.

Elle Ringham, Fidelity National Financial
Trends, Innovations and Blind Alleys in Performance Testing[presentation]

Join experts Scott Barber and Ross Collard for a lively discussion/debate on leading edge performance testing tools and methods.

Scott Barber, PerTestPlus, and Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Five Core Metrics to Guide the Testing Endgame[presentation]

By its very nature, the endgame of software projects is a hostile environment.

Robert Galen, RGCG, LLC
PairWise Testing: A Best Practice that Isn't[presentation]

By evaluating software based on its form, structure, content, and documentation, you can use static analysis to test code within a program without actually running or executing the program.

James Bach, Satisfice Inc


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