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Common Scheduling Mistakes and How to Avoid Them[presentation]

A project schedule is an essential tool for planning the project, monitoring progress, managing the impact of changes to scope and requirements, and ultimately achieving customer satisfaction.

Kenneth Katz, DST Output
Web Services Interface Design - Pitfalls and Proven Techniques[presentation]

Designing Web services is all about the interface.

Dave Mount, J-Soup Software, Inc
When the Customer Does Not Know Best[presentation]

Failure to really understand business requirements, technical specifications, and schedule dependencies has embarrassed more than a few test teams.

John Scarborough, Aztec Software Inc
Building Secure Software with New Web Technologies[presentation]

The latest generation of Web technologies-AJAX, improved client-side scripting, support for extensive DOM manipulation in browsers, content syndication, Web service APIs, and simple interchange formats such as JSON-are all driving new, powerf

Ivan Krstic, Harvard University
Fishing for Requirements in an Agile Project[presentation]

When you go fishing, you want to use the right lures, catch lots of fish, and avoid falling out of the boat.

Jennitta Andrea, Clearstream Consulting, Inc.
Into the Crystal Ball - Emerging Trends in Plan-Driven Development[presentation]

Plan-driven development is challenged today by Agile methods, outsourcing trends, and a new emphasis on IT governance and program management.

Carol Dekkers, Quality Plus Technologies Inc
Mentoring for Rookie (and Experienced) Managers[presentation]

In the same way that every athlete needs a coach to help him develop and perfect their skills, software managers and technical leads need mentors to help them improve his leadership and management skills.

Kevin Bodie, Pitney Bowes Inc
Sarbanes and Oxley: Your New Partners in Software Development[presentation]

Determining whether legal and contractual issues apply to your development efforts isn't always simple. There may be some obvious factors: a well-regulated industry, service level agreements, or state or federal agency oversight.

Elle Ringham, Fidelity National Financial
Unintended Consequences of a Capability Maturity Mismatch--Evidence from a Quality Audit[presentation]

In this presentation Michael Harris describes the findings of a quality assurance audit (PPQA) of the offshore outsourcing arm of a major U.S. software development company in late 2005.

Michael Harris, David Consulting Group
Operational Security in Software Development[presentation]

Research conducted by CERT, the computer security incident response team based at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), indicates that writing quality coding is not enough to ensure system security.

Carol Woody, Software Engineering Institute
Risk Managment on an Agile Project[presentation]

Plan-driven software project management is very specific on how to identify and manage risks. When moving to Agile software development practices, what happens to all the risk management activities that project managers used to oversee?

Michele Sliger, Rally Software Development
Browsers with a Bean to Grind[magazine]

Listen in on a coffehouse conversation between Internet Explorer and Mozilla, that have been pushed to the brink by technologies that test their limits and a standards body that nixes their ability to innovate. Find out what they think of their previous successes and what the future holds.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
The Democratization of Test Tools[magazine]

Imagine a world where testers, programmers, and product directors collaborate to automate tests. It's not a fantasy; it's the future. Lisa Crispin, who works on a team in which this sort of collaboration occurs for all the regression tests for each new feature, invites you to join the automation revolution today.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
A Look at FinalBuilder[magazine]

Adam White says he's generally set in his ways regarding daily use test tools, but he found an exception in FinalBuilder. Find out why Adam thinks this automated build and release tool's functionality extends beyond simple build automation.

Adam White
The Factors of Function Testing[magazine]

The premise behind function testing is to ensure that each program function does what it is supposed to do and nothing else. While it sounds pretty simple, there are some catches you should know about. Michael Bolton examines the twists and turns of function testing and offers some tips for working around them.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton


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