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Agile SCM January 2006: Looking Ahead[article]

This month, in common with our fellow columnists, we are looking ahead at things related to SCM (and particularly the Agile flavour) that we either think will happen in 2006 or that we hope for progress during the new year.

Test Patterns: Nine Techniques to Help Test for a Greater Variety of Bugs. [magazine]

Building on his earlier columns covering James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model, Michael Bolton delivers nine techniques--each of which affords a different way of modeling the product--to help you test your systems for a greater variety of bugs.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Fooling Around with XP[magazine]

True confessions of a certified project manager, tempted to abandon all she has been taught for her one true passion.

Michele Sliger's picture Michele Sliger
Iteration and Release Retrospectives: The Natural Rhythm for Agile Measurement[article]

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. (Agile Manifesto principle 12)

A cornerstone of agility is the team's commitment to continued reflection and adaptation. For most teams, there is a natural cadence to this process as iterations occur frequently, typically every one to two weeks apart, and releases occur every two to four months. As such, the iteration boundary represents a frequent opportunity for immediate feedback and quick mid-course correction, primarily focused on the team's ability to simultaneously define, code and test new functionality in a time box. At the release boundary, the measures move to those things that reflect the team and the organizations ability to move that functionality from "inventory" to delivered product or system. In this article, we'll describe a set of iteration and release metrics that have been used to good effect by a number of agile teams. In our experience, teams that are effective in using these iteration and release metrics have the best chance to achieve the maximum benefits of agile.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
5 C's of Agile Management[article]

By focusing on the 5 C's of agile development: Courage, Context, Course, Cadence, and Cost - software will never become "easy" but it will become easier, and better managed. Learn how each of these aspects cannot be ignored to run a successful project.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Behavior Modification[magazine]

Novices are often hampered by test-driven design's legacy terminology and notation. Behavior-driven development shifts the emphasis from testing to specification. Dan North describes how behavior-driven development makes established agile practices more accessible and effective for teams new to agile.

Dan North's picture Dan North
File Merge: How did we get ourselves into this mess[article]

There are several reasons why we may need to merge two modified versions of a file:

  • When using "edit-merge-commit" (sometimes called "optimistic locking"), it is possible for two developers to edit the same file at the same time.
  • Even if we use "checkout-edit-checkin", we may allow multiple checkouts, resulting once again in the possibility of two developers editing the same file.
  • When merging between branches, we may have a situation where the file has been modified in both branches.
TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
How can I improve performance on the Application of ClearCase Labels?[article]

I am often asked questions like:
"Why does it take so long to apply a label to 30,000 elements."

The short answer is "because you are applying a label to 30,000 elements".

Charles Clarke
What do Enterprise Architecture principles require of Configuration Management?[article]

Although we usually think of configuration management in the context of a software development project, CM also exists in the context of an enterprise. I wondered if taking the twenty principles used for an enterprise architecture framework, we could see just how well configuration management stands up to supporting these general architectural principles in an enterprise context.

Charles Edwards
Rebuilding When a File's Checksum Changes[article]

In this article, Ask Mr. Make shows a simple hack to GNU Make to cause it to do the right thing when the contents of a source file change.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
A Guided Tour of Subversion (SVN)[article]

Assuming the reader has already installed Subversion (SVN) and created a repository, the article offers a guided tour through the most important and frequent Subversion usage scenarios.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Version Control vs. Configuration Management[article]

The terms version control and configuration management are often used interchangeably, while some view them as separate disciplines. In fact, version control capabilities are a part of a well-defined configuration management process. We will explore these related disciplines and show how they can be applied successfully to problems facing IT professionals today attempting to manage their application infrastructure.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
How We Got from Version Control to Product Management[article]

Version control (VC) has been around long before software. But it wasn't until the late 1960s and early 1970s that it emerged as a common software function. Today, version control is still necessary, but is a much smaller piece of the configuration management (CM) and product management (PM) pictures. While version control is a relatively simple application, configuration management is anything but. No wonder it is embraced with such reluctance. This doesn't have to be the case. The key to adopting a successful CM program is to select tools which help you to automate the complexity without taking short cuts that will lead to problems down the road.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
How can I get "True" Keyword Substitution/Expansion" with ClearCase[article]

I am often asked why ClearCase does not automatically perform "Keyword substitution or expansion". That I can't answer, but I can say that I was never a big proponent of inserting meta-data into source files that already have the meta-data associated. With ClearCase that is easily readable with cleartool commands like find, ls, desc and others.

Charles Clarke
Setting up Subversion Environment[article]

This article describes the SVN installation on both server and client sides. Depending on the setup required, SVN installation could be anything from trivial to a nightmare.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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